The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
A Dr. Digipol
B Activist of the Week: Scott Prout, shooter of the 47 percent video (in-person or not)
C Nicole Sotelo, Director of Communications - A Call to Action
D How It Should Be - 10th anniversary of Iraq War
Direct download: Hr3TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05am EDT

A Brown-Vitter bill to end Too-Big-to-Fail banks 
B CPAC's greatest hits (Possibly CPAC speaker, Dallas Fed Prez Richard Fisher on his conservative plan to end too-big-to-fail banks)
C-D Sugary drinks ban debate: Maya Rockeymoore v. Katherine Mangu-Ward, Managing Editor of Reason
Direct download: Hr2TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

6:00 Pope Francis ad Argentina's Dirty War
A New Pope/Ryan Budget and Senate Dems' budget
B Charlie Mitchell on dueling budgets and sequestration
C Dave Zirin on March Madness (unconfirmed, but I'm working on it--suspect will be okay)
D Cliff Schecter on Illinois Little League raffling AR-15.  Plus, Senate Dems now nervous about Ashley Judd candidacy possibly wasting opportunity against Mitch McConnell.
Direct download: Hr1TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58pm EDT