The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Matt Bruenig, writer, researcher, and expert on poverty, on why the richest people in the world get paid for doing nothing.

Kira Lerner, political reporter at Think Progress, on covering CPAC

Direct download: TZH_02-25-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Stephen Miles, advocacy director for Win Without War, on Michael Flynn's resignation and the Trump White House's foreign policy chaos.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, on Paul Ryan's plan to take health insurance away from millions of people.

Direct download: TZH_02-25-17_H2_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Mark Potok, Senior Fellow of Southern Poverty Law Center, on the rising number of hate groups in America.

Direct download: TZH_02-25-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT