The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
1-5 Hour 1: Take Action News with David Shuster

Hour 1

1. White House petition update - Give Biden a reality TV show and more...

2. Fiscal cliff deal/what's in it... what's not. Shuster/Marans

3. Matt Stoller, Roosevelt Institute - Obama says "no negotiations" over debt ceiling.  Should we believe him?  And what about the corporate giveaways in cliff deal?  

4. Lawmaker lewdness? Boehner tells Reid to go f**k himself; Peter King calls for decency. Charles Showalter discusses.

5.  Cliff Schecter: Ann Coulter/GOP media logic. Plus, debt ceiling negotiations.

Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-05.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:15pm EST