The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
1-5 Hour 2: Take Action News with David Shuster

Hour 2

1. Susie Cagle, writer & illustrator at, enviro news/blog, on the environmental impact of the pot growing industry 

2. Charlie Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of Take Action News: Fiscal cliff reaction / Coming debt ceiling-sequester showdown

3. Charlie Mitchell: House Sandy recovery package/Christie's freakout presser / Violence Against Women Act; Joe Biden as negotiator in chief. 

4. Kevin Madden, former Romney spokesman, on GOP in disarray, Boehner leadership, immediate GOP future

5. Platinum coin for $1T to lift debt ceiling? Joe Weisenthal, Deputy Editor, Business Insider on movement to #MintTheCoin

Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-05.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:20pm EST