The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Hour 2

1st 6 minutes: Obama calls CA AG Kamala Harris, "best looking AG" 


A  Social Insurance/Grand Bargain discussion continued

Ames - Conflicts of interest in NPR piece on disability benefitsNew America report calling for Soc. Sec increases; where gay marriage meets Social Security (spouses, children's benefits).


Mark Ames, senior editor of Not Safe for Work Corporation (and author Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellin From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond),

What is NSFWCorp -- "The future of journalism with jokes"? What insights does their mutlifaceted new funding model offer for other independent media projects, eg, print edition, the (cartoon) conflict tower. Other topics: Breitbart legacybeing spied on by the ADL


C-D Education reform debate in wake of Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal: Test-based teacher evaluations or not? Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters v. Marcus Winters, The Manhattan Institute


Direct download: Hour_2_TAN_4-6.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:30pm EST