The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Hour 3


1st 6 minutes: Jeremy Irons compares gay marriage to bestiality, incest 


A Dr. Drigipol on social media: Anonymous hacks North Korean Twitter and fake Twitter accounts


B Activist of the Week: José Antonio Vargas, founder of Define American and Pulitzer Prize-winning WaPo reporter who came out as an undocumented Filipino immigrant inNYT magazine in summer 2011, on the major victory getting AP to stop using "illegal immigrant"

C 45th anniversary of MLK's assassination at sanitation workers strike in Memphis - Fast food workers strike now/ Activism opportunities roundup; Keystone XL pipeline


D Fake Action News with Dana C. Bell

Direct download: Hour_3_TAN_4-6.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:27pm EDT