The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
Hour 1
1  Politics 2012:  Romney/Obama foreign policy crisis
2  Interview Alice Fordham (@AliceFordham) correspondent for the National (@TheNationalUAE) in Libya
3  Wayne Powell, running against Eric Cantor, in Virginia's 7th district (@Powell4VA)
4  Cliff Schechter on latest political polls + trends (@cliffschecter)
Hour 2
1  Charlie Mitchell on US/Israel/Netanyahu (@cfmtan)
2  Charlie Mitchell on Congress/potential for "election wave"
3  Frank Menzies, Director of Instrumental Music at Jones College Prep in South Loop neighborhood of Chicago- will be speaking to us live from the drum corps at the major rally downtown in Chicago tomorrow (#CTUStrike, @KenzoShinbata)
4  Richard Rothstein, Economic Policy Institute (@economicpolicy) 
Hour 3
1  Becky Bond interview - Political Director, CREDO Mobile (@CREDOMobile)
2  Activist of the Week - Raymond Lopez a warehouse worker in California's inland empire and member of Warehouse Workers United (@wwunited)
3  Israel/Iran/Obama/Netanyahu - Jeremy Ben-Ami (@JeremyBenAmi), Founder & President of J Street (@jstreetdotorg), "The Political Home for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans"
4  Corp/Social responsibility and How do I do that
Direct download: fullshow9-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EDT