Sat, 22 December 2018
Helaine Olen is the author of Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry and the co-author of The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to be Complicated, & a blogger for The Washington Post’s “The Plum Line” Joe Strupp is an award-winning reporter with nearly 30 years' experience in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet. His background spans nearly all beats, from the environment to sports, but with a focus during more than a decade on the media. He's interviewed the likes of Rupert Murdoch, George W. Bush, Ben Bradlee and O.J. Simpson and spoken about media issues on Fox News, MSNBC, NPR, Voice of America, and Sirius XM Radio. His writing has appeared in MediaWeek, San Francisco magazine, NJ Biz, New Jersey Monthly, and