The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
First 6:00  DC Statehood latest.  Rand Paul inadervertently makes the case.
A. John Feehery on "Hastert rule" possibly holding up gun control in the House. Feehery says dump the rule.
B. David Dayen: Good filibuster reform v. Bad filibuster reform
C. David Frum: Discussion of SAM - Smart Approach to Marijuana
D. Frum: Inauguration; Guns debate; Future of GOP
Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41pm EDT

First 6:00 Strom Thurmond had a girlfriend on death row. 
A. Shuster?Marans on Obama standing firm, ruling out mint the coin.
B. Shuster/Marans on Obama being bold on gun control. 
C. Beat the Press with Stephanie Miller.  GOP media/talk radio goes nuts over Obama use of executive orders. 
D. Cliff Schechter on Rush Limbaugh claiming dems engaged in criminal conspiracy to take away guns.
Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EDT