The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
First 6:00  Beyonce redeems herself
A  Alan Rosenblatt social media
B  Activist of the Week, Ceasefire Chicago
C  Ashley Judd v. Mitch McConnell?
D  How it should be
Direct download: Hr3TAN_02-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38am EDT

First 6:00  G.W. Bush Paintings

A Charlie Mitchell on immigration latest and gun check update.  

B  Tim Karr
C  Tim Karr/Free press on FCC considering high speed wifi
D  Derek Khanna Atlantic reporter
Direct download: Hr2TAN_02-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23am EDT

First 6:00  North Korea uses "We are the World" in fantasy video of NYC incinerated
A  GOP and Obama on sequester 
B  Hayes Brown/Think Progress on Obama/drones
C  GOP/Rove fight

D  Cliff Schecter on Fox News whopper re solar power.  And, FNC firing Sarah Palin and Dick Morris.

Direct download: Hr1TAN_02-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EDT