Sat, 23 March 2013
Hour 1 A Pres. Obama's trip to Middle East
B Budget battles update - Charlie Mitchell
C Ammo clip ban on life support - Cliff Schecter
D Right wing Iraq War nuts go unpunished - Cliff Schecter / Marans on recent business-labor dispute over guest workers
Sat, 23 March 2013
Hour 2
A-B Ali Gharib reports from Ramallah on Obama visit to Israel, and Palestinian protest movement
C-D Michael Cohen, The Guardian US, on Israel/Palestine / Syria situation
Sat, 23 March 2013
Hour 3
A Dr. Digipol: Exclusive interview with Andre Oboler, Monash U. prof, and author new social media report
B-C Activist of the Week: Valerie Plame Wilson, former CIA agent and advocate for a world without nuclear weapons
D How It Should Be: Sen. Sherrod Brown's Bill Ending Too-Big-To-Fail Banks