Sat, 30 March 2013
Hour 1 6:00 New threats from North Korea / Kim Jong-Un is a Mac user
A Democrats, Republicans line up to endorse same sex marriage
B Oral arguments on same sex marriage at Supreme Court
C Ashley Judd not running for Senate/Hopkins students oust Dr. Ben Carson as graduation speaker
D Cliff Schecter: Filibustering gun background checks? / Bill O’Reilly & Rush’s gay marriage change of heart |
Sat, 30 March 2013
Hour 3 6:00 Zombie deerhunting? DC hunts down overpopulated deer in Rock Creek Park
A Dr. Digipol interviews Amy Small Ward, Membership Director, Nonprofit Technology Network
B Activist of the Week: KC Boyd, author of “Being Christian” and whistleblower on Dominionist Christian coercion in military
C Becky Bond of CREDO on coming Keystone protest outside Obama fundraiser
D Dana Bell - What's the deal with politcians who criticize other politicians for politicizing?
Sat, 30 March 2013
Hour 2 6:00 Mafia steals 42,000 lb cheese in Wisconsin / Rick Ross raps casually about rape
A Grand Bargain Update – Will Obama offer Social Security, Medicare cuts in budget resolution?/This American Life screws up Our American Disability Insurance (CEPR, CBPP, Century Foundation takedowns)
B Immigration reform moves forward / Rep. Don Young calls Mexicans“wetbacks”
C-D Dr. Michael Lind on “defeating the useless rich” – based on 3-part series in Salon on the unproductive new rentier class and how they hurt the economy |