Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Gun violence victims given background checks for yelling in Senate gallery A Boston bombing: Latest and media fail B Professor Johanna Fernandez () on Mumia Abu-Jamal C West, TX explosion and OSHA violations with Mike Elk D Cliff on gun failure, progressive vows to primary Senators Pryor and Begich. |
Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Former SC Gov Mark Sanford caught trespassing on ex-wife's property
B Influential austerity study debunked |
Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Star Trek Geek Talk A Social Media - Dr. Digipol on Twitter's role in Marathon Bombing
C Review of "42" with Jackie Robinson--and the untold story of the role of Montreal in Robinson's career D Daniel Marans how it should be: Rich v. poor, not old v. young |