Sat, 15 June 2013
First 6: Cole Stangler's socialist roots A Edward Snowden – Whistleblower hero? The man and his decisions
B Marcy Wheeler of Empty Wheel - deeper look at legal and policy implications of NSA program; compare/contrast with Bradley Manning C Snowden discussion continued – Marans/Stangler D Cliff on Pete King’s reactions to NSA scandal |
Sat, 15 June 2013
First 6: Media character assassination of Snowden A Cole Stangler on food stamp cuts
B Rick Smith, host, Rick Smith Show, live from US Labor History Tour C Austerity more discredited by the week (credit upgrade) – Marans/Stangler D Sarah Anderson of Institute for Policy Studies on Fix the Debt companies’ corporate tax dodging and billions they stand to gain from their push for a “territorial tax” system |
Sat, 15 June 2013
Hour 3 First 6: Rosen-splain: Dr. DigiPol on differences between Ellsberg, Snowden and Manning
A Social Media with Dr. DigiPol: Interview with Tyler Bass author of fake Snowden Twitter account B Activist of the Week: Michael Petit, Every Child Matters C Turkey protest update / Cameo by David Shuster D How it should be - We should scale back covert military operations w/ Cole Stangler