Tue, 22 October 2013
Hour 1 A. News Roundup—Frisch solo B. A Tea Party civics lesson—Tina Dupuy C. NY Fed fired examiner who took on Goldman D. Politically Incoherent & "The Shutdown Crash"—Rocky Mountain Mike Hour 2 A. Republicans say the darndest things—Jason Stanford B. Wendy Davis gubernatorial campaign—Jason Stanford C. Judge Bill Pryor's gay porn appearance leaves him vulnerable to coercion—Roger Shuler D. Aaron Swartz's SecureDrop—Trevor Timm Hour 3 A. ACLU v. Clapper—David Greene B. "Libertarian Magic Dust": Satirizing right-wing politics—Andy Cobb C. Pliticians should get with the social media-dominated times—Alan Rosenblatt D. GOP pivots to Social Security and Medicare—Cliff Schecter |