The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

This hour John Feffer demonstrates that politicians like Donald Trump aren't that uncommon if you just look to Europe. And later, Yannet Lathrop, Researcher and Policy Analyst at National Employment Law Project, discusses her group's new report on the massive impact on worker pay the Fight for 15 has achieved.

Direct download: TZH_12_03_16_H3_PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

This hour we're joined by Sarah Sorscher, an attorney with Public Citizen's Health Research Group, about the 21st Century Cures Act. Later, we speak with Tim Wu, professor at Columbia Law School, about his new book The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads.  

Direct download: TZH_12_03_16_H2_PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

We break down the news of the week, then talk to Jessica Jackson Sloan, National Director and Co-Founder of #cut50, about the need to slash in half the number of people in prison. 

Direct download: TZH_12_03_16_H1_PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST