The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Donna Edwards is the former Congresswoman from Maryland's 4th district, a former Senate candidate, and is working to help elect Stacey Abrams as Governor of Georgia.

Jim Dean is the Chair of Democracy for America.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Randy Bryce is a U.S. Army veteran, cancer survivor, and union ironworker running to replace Paul Ryan in Wisconsin's 1st District.

Congressman Ruben Gallego represents Arizona's 7th District.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H2_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Alex Lawson and Bradley Herring break down the news of the week and Dave Neiwert, author of "Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump" joins us from last weekend's Netroots Nation.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EST