The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Max Blumenthal is the Senior Editor of the Grayzone Project, now at, and Author of several books, including "The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza" “Republican Gomorrah”, and “Goliath”. He is also co-host of the Podcast, “Moderate Rebels”

Direct download: 10-27-18_H3_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Malaika Jabali is a Brooklyn-based public policy attorney, writer, and activist. Her writing has appeared in Glamour, Essence, The Root, and more.


GREG SARGENT writes the popular “Plum Line” blog at The Washington Post. Prior to joiningthat paper, he wrote for Talking Points Memo, New York, and the New York Observer. He lives in Maryland with his family. You can follow him on Twitter @ThePlumLineGS
His latest is: "AN UNCIVIL WAR Taking Back Our Democracy in an Age of Trumpian Disinformation and Thunderdome Politics"

Direct download: 10-27-18_H2_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

John Nichols writes about politics for The Nation as its national-affairs correspondent. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books, and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress.
Nichols is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times and the associate editor of the Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and dozens of other newspapers.
Nichols is the author of Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse: A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America, s well as The Genius of Impeachment (New Press); a critically acclaimed analysis of the Florida recount fight of 2000, Jews for Buchanan (New Press); and a best-selling biography of former vice president Dick Cheney, Dick: The Man Who is President (New Press), which has recently been published in French and Arabic.

Direct download: 10-27-18_H1_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT