The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

NATHAN J. ROBINSON is a leading voice of millennial left politics. He is the editor of Current Affairs, a print magazine of political and cultural analysis. His work has appeared in The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe GuardianThe New RepublicThe Nation, and elsewhere. A graduate of Yale Law School, he is a PhD student in Sociology and Social Policy at Harvard University, where his work focuses on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Direct download: 09-07-19_H3_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Bob Kincaid is a Progressive Broadcaster in the Head-On Radio Network ( and activist with Coal River Mountain Watch ( He’s a co-founder if CRMW’s Appalachian Communities Health Emergency (ACHE) Campaign, which originated the bill of the same name. As a broadcaster, Bob has devoted more time to informing people about the scourge of Mountaintop Removal’s impact in Appalachia than any other broadcaster on the planet.


Yeva Nersisyan is a Research Scholar at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and an Associate Professor of economics at Franklin and Marshall College. She is a macroeconomist working in the Post Keynesian and Institutionalist traditions. Her research interests include monetary theory, financial instability and regulation and macroeconomic policy. Yeva has published a number of papers on the topics of shadow banking, fiscal policy, government deficits and debt, financial fragility and instability, financial reform and retirement policy. She teaches Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Women in the Economy, Macroeconomic Stability and other courses at Franklin and Marshall College.

Direct download: 09-07-19_H2_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Maj. Danny Sjursen, a Truthdig regular contributor, is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, "Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge." He lives in Lawrence, Kan. Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet and check out his new podcast "Fortress on a Hill," co-hosted with fellow vet Chris "Henri" Henrikson.

Direct download: 09-07-19_H1_TZPodcastH.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EST