The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (Politics)
A Social media w/ Dr. DigiPol: Michael Moschella interview
B Activist of the Week, Larry Knisell, retired coal miner fighting for his benefits
C Chris Christie has weight loss surgery
D How It Should Be
Direct download: TAN_5-11_Hour-3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:58pm EST

First six minutes:  Feeding the homeless by thinning the herd in Rock Creek Park.

A  Obama newser/Shuster

B  Dave Zirin, Edge of Sports, on Jason Collins

C  Jon Wertheim, Sports Illustrated, on getting the Jason Collins story.

D  Cliff Schecter on Pat Toomey remarks about Senate Republicans/gun bill.

Direct download: TAN_5.4_Hour-1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 12:01pm EST

1st 6 Cannibalism at Jamestown

A Zachary Katznelson, ACLU - Guantanamo hunger strike

B Post-Guantanamo discussion

C-D Abortion rights after Gosnell trial: Erin Matson, RH Reality Check v. Lila Rose, Live Action

Direct download: TAN_5.4_Hour-2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 11:58am EST

First six minutes:  Abortion debate recap

A  Alan Rosenblatt social media, on Transparency Camp

B  Activist of the Week:  Tracy Van Slyke, Director, New Bottom Line. 

C  Charlie Miller, CEO SmartGunTechnology Inc.

D  How it should be: All about Colbert Busch

Direct download: TAN_5.4_Hour-3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 11:55am EST

1st 6  Highway births

A West, Texas – Latest on investigation.  Shuster

B West, Texas – Mainstream Media Fail w/ Mike Elk 

Glenn Greenwald: Civil liberties questions raised by Boston

D Cliff Schecter: Baucus’ gun legacy; Sen. Cruz’s federal aid hypocrisy

Direct download: TAN_4-27_Hour-1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

1st 6: Mark Sanfird self-destructs

A Airplane delays/Budget // W. Bush library and Bush legacy

B Boston bombing affects immigration debate/ HuffPo’s Elise Foley (in person)

C Deportations continue amid debate – Elise Foley continued

Bangladesh factory fire – Erik Loomis, labor, environmental history expert

Direct download: TAN_4-27_Hour-2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:29pm EST

1st 6  Bird poop / Louis Farrakhan steps in it

A Dr. Digipol: Dr. Digipol: AP twitter hacked, White House bombed, Obama injured; Computers sell off stocks in a mad rush; Tweetdeck’s demise?

B Activist of the Week: Adam Rome, author, The Genius of Earth Day: How a 1970 Teach-In Unexpectedly Made the First Green Generation

C Dartmouth equates rape threats with protests / 

D How It Should Be: Bush's Social Security legacy 

Direct download: TAN_4-27_Hour-3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:26pm EST

1st 6: Gun violence victims given background checks for yelling in Senate gallery 

A Boston bombing: Latest and media fail

Professor Johanna Fernandez () on Mumia Abu-Jamal

C West, TX explosion and OSHA violations with Mike Elk

D Cliff on gun failure, progressive vows to primary Senators Pryor and Begich.

Direct download: TAN_4-20_Hour_1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

1st 6: Former SC Gov Mark Sanford caught trespassing on ex-wife's property

Andrew Gumbel (@AndrewGumbel), author, Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed--and Why It Still Matters
(Shuster to interview)

B Influential austerity study debunked
C-D House of Cards actor Jennifer Osborn (in studio) - on TV show and 4/20 celebration of weed

Direct download: TAN_4-20_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:05pm EST

1st 6 Umpire shows up late to Nats game / Thief caught stealing White House van
A Shuster Solo on gun control
B Charlie Mitchell on gun legislation and budget proposals
C-D Eliot Spitzer v. Rob S. Kaplan on Wall Street Reform
Direct download: Hour_1_TAN_4-13-2013.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 11:48am EST

1st 6  Shuster/Marans thoughts on Kaplan/Spitzer
A Social Security Chained CPI proposal from Obama - José Canseco weighs in 
B McConnell team caught on tape planning to use Ashley Judd's teenage depression against her. Plus, media ethics regarding tapes. Cliff Schecter and Shuster.
C-D Shuster interviews Mumia Abu Jamal
Direct download: Hour_2_TAN_4-13-2013.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 11:46am EST

1st 6 Prof. Johanna Fernandez responds to Mumia interview
A Dr. Digipol with Scott Blodget, Ontario, Canada Ministry of FInance's Media Relations Director
B  Shuster/Marans thoughts on Mumia interview
C  Media blackout of Dr. Gosnell's trial?
D Young diplomat killed in Afghanistan.  Daniel.
Direct download: Hour_3_TAN_4-13-2013.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 11:41am EST

Hour 1

1st 6 minutes: Ken Cuccinelli's opposition to "crimes against nature", ie, oral/anal sex (and how it prevented VA from prosecuting a statutory rape) 


A Obama includes chained CPI in budget / Roger Ebert's passing / North Korean threat gets too real for comfort, but are we over-hyping it?

Bobby Egan, owner of Cubby's BBQ in Hackensack, NJ and longtime practitioner of "BBQ diplomacy" with North Korea, on what the hell is going on in the DPRK 

C Bobby Egan continues discussion of North Korea -- and gives a provocative defense of gun rights 

D Connecticut House Speaker Brendan Sharkey on tough new gun laws there

Direct download: Hour_1_TAN_4-6_.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

Hour 2

1st 6 minutes: Obama calls CA AG Kamala Harris, "best looking AG" 


A  Social Insurance/Grand Bargain discussion continued

Ames - Conflicts of interest in NPR piece on disability benefitsNew America report calling for Soc. Sec increases; where gay marriage meets Social Security (spouses, children's benefits).


Mark Ames, senior editor of Not Safe for Work Corporation (and author Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellin From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond),

What is NSFWCorp -- "The future of journalism with jokes"? What insights does their mutlifaceted new funding model offer for other independent media projects, eg, print edition, the (cartoon) conflict tower. Other topics: Breitbart legacybeing spied on by the ADL


C-D Education reform debate in wake of Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal: Test-based teacher evaluations or not? Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters v. Marcus Winters, The Manhattan Institute


Direct download: Hour_2_TAN_4-6.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

Hour 3


1st 6 minutes: Jeremy Irons compares gay marriage to bestiality, incest 


A Dr. Drigipol on social media: Anonymous hacks North Korean Twitter and fake Twitter accounts


B Activist of the Week: José Antonio Vargas, founder of Define American and Pulitzer Prize-winning WaPo reporter who came out as an undocumented Filipino immigrant inNYT magazine in summer 2011, on the major victory getting AP to stop using "illegal immigrant"

C 45th anniversary of MLK's assassination at sanitation workers strike in Memphis - Fast food workers strike now/ Activism opportunities roundup; Keystone XL pipeline


D Fake Action News with Dana C. Bell

Direct download: Hour_3_TAN_4-6.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

Hour 1

6:00 New threats from North Korea / Kim Jong-Un is a Mac user


A Democrats, Republicans line up to endorse same sex marriage


B Oral arguments on same sex marriage at Supreme Court


Ashley Judd not running for Senate/Hopkins students oust Dr. Ben Carson as graduation speaker


D Cliff Schecter: Filibustering gun background checks? / Bill O’Reilly & Rush’s gay marriage change of heart

Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:45pm EST

Hour 3

6:00 Zombie deerhunting? DC hunts down overpopulated deer in Rock Creek Park


A Dr. Digipol interviews Amy Small Ward, Membership Director, Nonprofit Technology Network


B Activist of the Week: KC Boyd, author of “Being Christian” and whistleblower on Dominionist Christian coercion in military


C Becky Bond of CREDO on coming Keystone protest outside Obama fundraiser


D Dana Bell - What's the deal with politcians who criticize other politicians for politicizing?


Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:43pm EST

Hour 2

6:00 Mafia steals 42,000 lb cheese in Wisconsin / Rick Ross raps casually about rape


A Grand Bargain Update – Will Obama offer Social Security, Medicare cuts in budget resolution?/This American Life screws up Our American Disability Insurance (CEPRCBPPCentury Foundation takedowns)


Immigration reform moves forward / Rep. Don Young calls Mexicans“wetbacks”


C-D Dr. Michael Lind on “defeating the useless rich” – based on 3-part series in Salon on the unproductive new rentier class and how they hurt the economy

Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:15pm EST

Hour 1

A Pres. Obama's trip to Middle East
B Budget battles update - Charlie Mitchell
C Ammo clip ban on life support - Cliff Schecter
D Right wing Iraq War nuts go unpunished - Cliff Schecter / Marans on recent business-labor dispute over guest workers
Direct download: Hour_1_TAN_3-23_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:44am EST

Hour 2
A-B Ali Gharib reports from Ramallah on Obama visit to Israel, and Palestinian protest movement
C-D Michael Cohen, The Guardian US, on Israel/Palestine / Syria situation
Direct download: TAN_3-22_Hour_2_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:43am EST

Hour 3
A Dr. Digipol: Exclusive interview with Andre Oboler, Monash U. prof, and author new social media report
B-C Activist of the Week: Valerie Plame Wilson, former CIA agent and advocate for a world without nuclear weapons 
D How It Should Be: Sen. Sherrod Brown's Bill Ending Too-Big-To-Fail Banks
Direct download: TAN_3-22_Hour_3_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:41am EST

First 6: Chinese hackers attack
A Dr. Digipol on @UniteBlue/@ConnecttheLeft controversy
B Activist of the Week - Jotaka Eaddy, Senior Director for Voting Rights, NAACP
C-D Rep. Alan Grayson on sequester; Stopping Social Security cuts
Direct download: Hr3TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:29pm EST

First 6: Winning reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act
A Shaunna Thomas on sexism at the Oscars/Christine Quinn holding up NYC paid sick leave
B Shaunna Thomas on OFA taking $500,000 for access/Jay Carney squirming at press conference
C CREDO petition: MSNBC should disclose Rendell's conflicts of interest 
D Francesca Chambers, Red Alert Politics on CPAC, future of conservatives 
Direct download: Hr2TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:23pm EST

First 6: Ikea horse meat  
A Sequester latest
B Shane-O on Supreme Court oral arguments over Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act 
C Assault weapons hearings/gun control latest 
D Cliff on Keith Ellison's appearance on Fox News / Right-wing flipout over Michelle Obama at Oscars
Direct download: Hr1TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

Hour 3
First six minutes: Mafia jumps into green energy 
A Alan Rosenblatt - Social Media: Beyonce, Fix the Senate, and Democrats take down site attacking Mark Zuckerberg 
B Activist of the Week, Jorge Parra, on hunger strike to protest GM abuses in Colombia
C David Toscano, Democratic Leader in Virginia House of Delegates re GOP electoral vote-splitting scheme
D How it should be: How Democrats should admit we aren't spending too much
Direct download: TAN_1-26_Hour-3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

1-5 Hour 3: Take Action News with David Shuster

Hour 3

1. DC gun laws/latest on David Gregory

2. Rosenblatt social media

3. Activist of the Week: Erin Matson, independent women's rights leader and former Vice President for Action at NOW 

4. The implications of impending nomination of Chuck Hagel as Sec. Def - Ali Gharib, Senior Editor, Open Zion

5. How It Should Be: Economic justice should be as trendy as social liberties


Direct download: Hr3TAN_01-05.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:27pm EST

1-5 Hour 2: Take Action News with David Shuster

Hour 2

1. Susie Cagle, writer & illustrator at, enviro news/blog, on the environmental impact of the pot growing industry 

2. Charlie Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of Take Action News: Fiscal cliff reaction / Coming debt ceiling-sequester showdown

3. Charlie Mitchell: House Sandy recovery package/Christie's freakout presser / Violence Against Women Act; Joe Biden as negotiator in chief. 

4. Kevin Madden, former Romney spokesman, on GOP in disarray, Boehner leadership, immediate GOP future

5. Platinum coin for $1T to lift debt ceiling? Joe Weisenthal, Deputy Editor, Business Insider on movement to #MintTheCoin

Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-05.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

1-5 Hour 1: Take Action News with David Shuster

Hour 1

1. White House petition update - Give Biden a reality TV show and more...

2. Fiscal cliff deal/what's in it... what's not. Shuster/Marans

3. Matt Stoller, Roosevelt Institute - Obama says "no negotiations" over debt ceiling.  Should we believe him?  And what about the corporate giveaways in cliff deal?  

4. Lawmaker lewdness? Boehner tells Reid to go f**k himself; Peter King calls for decency. Charles Showalter discusses.

5.  Cliff Schecter: Ann Coulter/GOP media logic. Plus, debt ceiling negotiations.

Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-05.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

1. DC sports update wiht Mitch Malasky

2. EXCLUSIVE: @DEBBYGIRL1 of Anonymous gives us a look inside the war on Westboro Baptist Church

3. ALan Rosenblatt explains the social media firepower behind Anonymous righteous war on WBC

4. Activist of the Week: Zaid Jilani, Progressive Change Campaign Committee

5. How It Should Be: How we should expand Social Security and Medicare

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

1. The Deported? What to make of the Piers Morgan petition and other weird White House petitions

2. Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call: GOP angling to blame Dems for fiscal cliff dive

3. "It's the end of the world as we know it": Ice caps melting faster than we think

4. Chained CPI benefit cut or not? Okay or not? Daniel Marans v. Spandan Chakrabarti, The People's View 

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

1. Shuster political roundup including latest Obama v. Boehner
2. The real fiscal cliff: Corporate profits continue to hit record high, wages hit record low. (Shuster + Marans)
3. Dave Zirin, Sports Editor at The Nation, on Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide, the NFL handling of it, and 
4. Cliff Schecter on Bob Costas stance against gun culture, and Fox News' sadly predictable smear campaign against him
Direct download: TAN_12.5_Hour_1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

1. Alan Rosenblatt on how Weibo, China's version of Twitter, is opening up China 
2. Corporate/social responsibility in media:  Fox News' anti-American, false reporting of the "war on Christmas"
3. Activist of the Week: Josh Stearns of Free Press on holding the FCC accountable and preventing Rupert Murdoch from monopolizing media
4. How it should be: How we should keep money out of elections and how the media should point out conflicts of interests, like Simpson & Bowles getting $40,000 a speech
Direct download: Hour_3_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:40am EST

1.Shuster roundup of week's political news & events - including shots fired on Benghazi, and UN Amabssador Susan Rice
2. Allie Braswell, CEO of the Central Florida Urban League, on Florida GOP officials acknowledging politically motivated voter suppression 
3. Marans on what he saw at the Black Friday protest at Walmart in Secaucus, NJ 
4. Matt Stoller of Salon on Walmart protest effectiveness & progressive strategy in Obama's 2nd term
Direct download: Hour_2_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:35am EST

1. Charlie Mitchell on latest Congress/Obama regarding Bush tax cuts
2. Charlie Mitchell on lame duck Congress: sequester & other issues. Is Social Security off table in fiscal cliff negotiations as Durbin says?
3. Marans on Grover Norquist - The man behind the infamous "Taxpayer Protection Pledge"?
4. Cliff Schechter on Obama/White House strategy... plus, potential Rand Paul GOP candidacy in 2016. 
Direct download: Hour_1_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:28am EST

1. Dave Zirin on how the NFL refs beat the lockout
2. Activist of the Week: Lorella Praeli, United We Dream
3. Shuster grills & debates Dave Walker, of the Comeback America Initiative on the causes & solutions to our national debt
4. Comedian Scott Rogowsky has social media questions for Alan "Dr. Digipol" Rosenblatt
Direct download: TAN_Evergreen_Hour_2FINAL.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

1. The moment when the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act
2. Shuster launches a jihad on Rep. Louie Gohmert over Gohmert's reaction to Aurora, CO, shooting
3. Activist of the Week: Kristen Rowe-Finkbeiner, CEO & Executive DIrector of & Host of Moms Rising Radio
4. Social Responsibility: Buy Hickey Freeman menswear, not Donald Trump's clothing line
Direct download: TAN_Evergreen_Hour_1FINAL.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

10-27 1st Hour: Take Action News with David Shuster
Hour 1
1. Shuster on 3rd & Final Presidential Debate/2012 Race
2. Shuster on IN Senate candidate Richard Mourdock
3. Irin Carmon, staff writer for Salon, on Mourdock & the Right's plans to dismantle Roe v. Wade
4. Cliff Schecter on election 2012
Direct download: TAN_10.27_Hour_1_Revised.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

Hour 2
1. Charlie Mitchell on the fight to control both houses of Congress in 2012 & the push to avoid a "fiscal cliff"
2. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D, IL-9) on why Obama will win and Simpson-Bowles is a sham
3. Shuster rant on subjects not covered during the debate: Buying American; racism; & climate change
4. Desi Doyen, The Green News Report on debate silence on Climate change
Direct download: TAN_10.27_Hour_2_01.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:25pm EST

Hour 3
1. Alan Rosenblatt - Sen. Chuck Grassley's deer & Tweetreach
2. Activist of the Week: Phyllis Cleveland, Cleveland city councilwoman for Ward 5, who led fight to get Clear Channel to remove & replace voter suppression billboards
3. Craig Ungar, author "Boss Rove" -- how Karl Rove is running the show behind the scenes & how it could affect election outcome
4. How Do I Do That: How to Talk to GOP relatives
Direct download: TAN_10.27_Hour_3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:21pm EST

Special Edition - Interviews and analysis from Take Action News' live coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.

Hour 1

Segment 1 Former President Bill Clinton's speech at DNC: Excerpts & analysis
Segment 2 First Lady Michelle Obama & MA Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren speeches at DNC: Excerpts & analysis 
Segment 3 Interview with Former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta                                                                        Segment 4 President Obama's speech at DNC: Excerpts

Hour 2

Segment 1 - Rep. Danny K. Davis (D, IL-7) talks first meeting Obama in Chicago politics
Segment 2 - Daniel Marans talks with DNC delegates on the convention hall floor
Segment 3 - Karl Frisch of Bullfight Streategies gives his take on the RNC & DNC 
Segment 4 - Former New Mexico Governor & Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson on why people should vote Libertarian, and why he's outspoken in favor of legalizing pot

Hour 3

Segment 1- Larry O'Connor, Editor-in-Chief of, gives a conservatives perspective on the DNC, saying Democrats have been snubbing him. 
Segment 2 - Rep. Tim Ryan (D, OH-17) talks with Daniel Marans about a Grand Bargain to cut Social Security or Medicare in exchange for tax increases
Segment 3 - Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, on why compromise is not a virtue unto itself  
Segment 4 - How Do I Do That: Shuster & Marans on how to do a political convention right

Some YouTube videos of interviews David SHuster & the Take Action News team did at the DNC are available at:

Direct download: TAN_Full_Show_09-08-12.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: TAN_June_23_Full_Showlvl.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:51pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: tan_6-10_Full_Show.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:33pm EST

Take Action News with David Shuster 2/11/2012

Take Action News with David Shuster

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and online at

Direct download: Take_Action_News_2-11-12_-_2012-02-11-12-00-19.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 12:31pm EST