The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (general)

Hour 1

6:00 Bill "El Wingador" Simmons, wing-eating champion, busted for selling cocaine + new USDA school vending machine regulation 

A) Obama advances bipartisan immigration reform and Rush Limbaugh admits his goal is to influence politics

B) John Kerry confirmed as Secretary of State and Chuck Hagel's confirmation hearing is rocky.

C) Climate weirding: Why even cold winters can result from climate change and how Rupert Murdoch got it wrong

D) Sally Kohn on Republican retreat in budget wars--and what Democrats should do next

Direct download: Hr1TAN_02-02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54pm EST

Hour 2
First six: Michelle Obama's outfit for inauguration parade
A Bill Scher - liberal oasis TV assault, weapons ban doesn't matter, more important to get other things
B Bill Scher tba (Israeli elections and what it means for USA.)
C Conservative media, Bill O'Reilly ratchets up the fear by lying about economy.
D Brian Fisher, christian radio host on emotions at Clinton/Kerry hearings. GOP media says they were "crocodile tears."
Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

Hour 1
First six: Obama/DC statehood
A Shuster /'Marans on inauguration speech policies
B Shuster/Marans should national anthem ever ben lip synched? Bottom line, it made Kelly Clarkson even more impressive.
C Charlie Mitchell on Keystone pipeline and violence against women act.
D Cliff Schechter on GOP approach to Benghazi/Hillary and their claims she "staged" her tears and anger.
Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

First 6:00  DC Statehood latest.  Rand Paul inadervertently makes the case.
A. John Feehery on "Hastert rule" possibly holding up gun control in the House. Feehery says dump the rule.
B. David Dayen: Good filibuster reform v. Bad filibuster reform
C. David Frum: Discussion of SAM - Smart Approach to Marijuana
D. Frum: Inauguration; Guns debate; Future of GOP
Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41pm EST

First 6:00 Strom Thurmond had a girlfriend on death row. 
A. Shuster?Marans on Obama standing firm, ruling out mint the coin.
B. Shuster/Marans on Obama being bold on gun control. 
C. Beat the Press with Stephanie Miller.  GOP media/talk radio goes nuts over Obama use of executive orders. 
D. Cliff Schechter on Rush Limbaugh claiming dems engaged in criminal conspiracy to take away guns.
Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

1. David Frum forms "Smart Approach to Marijuana" to discourage its use. Description of his argument/invitation to discuss it on the show 
2. Alan Rosenblatt on social media - Inside Anonymous' strategy of denials of service
3. Activist of the Week: Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton - DC's Congresswoman
4. Brad Johnson, Forecast the Facts, on hottest year ever + American Meteorological Society 
5. How It Should Be: How Geithner's legacy should be viewed and what we should do on housing policy
Direct download: Hr3TAN_01-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm EST

1. Petition latest: Prosecute Dianne Feinstein gets 27,000 signatures. White House responds to Piers Morgan deportation drive.
2. Colin Goddard, of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and survivor of Virginia Tech shooting, on Biden gun safety commission recommendations
3. Members of Congress spend over half their day raising money
4-5. Social Security debate rematch: Spandan Chakrabarti, publisher of The People's View v. Daniel Marans, Executive Producer of #TAN
Direct download: Hr2TAN_01-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:01pm EST

1. White House responds to Death Star petition and would Newt Gingrich be Captain of the Death Star
2. Shuster solo - week in news, politics
3. Dave Zirin - Latest, forthcoming book, end of NHL lockout, creepy sports anchors 
4. Alex Jones and conservative media compares Obama/guns to Hitler and Stalin. Plus, Joe/Mika on MSNBC 
5. Cliff Schecter on right-wing gun craziness - Exhibit A: Alex Jones' Piers Morgan freakout 
Direct download: Hr1TAN_01-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

1. DC Statehood 

2. SHuster politics and fiscal cliff round-up

3. NRA and Wayne LaPierre: Evil genius or just evil?

4. Shuster: David Gregory should apologize for using illegal ammo clip on Meet the Press

5. Cliff Schecter on Dick Armey, The National Review, and right-wing hypocrisy

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

Hour 2
First 6:00 Marans on the remedies he used to beat his cold
1  John Yarmouth (D-KY) on changing his mind about gun control 
2  Shuster on Bill O'Reilly spending more time on War on Xmas than actual wars.
3  Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters on "Rush Limbaugh, Misinformer of the Year"
4. Ari Rabin-Havt and Shuster 
Direct download: hour2_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 3
First 6:00 Preview of special DC Sports Beat with Mitch Malasky on Jews in sports
1  Social Meda with Alan Rosenblatt - Anonymous declaring war on Westboro Baptist Church
2  Activist of the Week: Erik Loomis, who got death threats for tweeting that he wanted Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick
3  Shuster leads discussion of DC statehood bill introduced by Lieberman
4  Daniel Marans "How It Should Be" - How Obama should nominate top cabinet posts
Direct download: hour3_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 1
First 6:00  Shuster/Marans/Malasky on Mayan armageddon
1  Shuster on guns latest with reaction from Marans/Malasky 
2  Shuster/Marans on fiscal cliff and Obama throwing Social Security into negotiations
3  Shuster/Charles Showalter on Michigan "right to work" legislation
4  Shuster/Cliff Schechter on conservative media, including National Review saying Sandy Hook elementary needed "more men."
Direct download: hour1_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

Hour 2
1.  CT massacre latest news
2.  Matt Stoller, Roosevelt Instititute and Salon, on CT school massacre (@matthewstoller)
3.  Daniel Newhauser, Congressional reporter for Roll Call, on potential for gun legislation in Congress (@dnewhauser)
4.  MI State Rep. Brandon Dillon (D, Grand Rapids) on opposing Michigan's right-to-work law (@brandondillon75)
Direct download: p2hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

Hour 3
1.  Alan Rosenblatt on social media/CT massacre
2. Activist of the Week: Rebecca Nagle one of creators of "Pink Loves Consent" anti-rape underwear, and head of feminist anti-rape group FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture (@LoveConsent, @upsettingrapecu)
3. Rainforest Action Network's Robin Averbeck who works on fighting deforestationin Indonesia by limiting demand (@RAN)
4. How It Should Be - Gun Violence and American Exceptionalism
Direct download: p3hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 1
1. Shuster solo - Latest news on CT school massacre
2. Cliff Schecter reaction to CT 
3. Cliff Schecter on details of shooter and the weapons he used
4.  Charles Showalter (@TheUnionEdge), a gun owner, on gun rights after mass shooting in CT
Direct download: p1hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

1. Social Media with Alan Rosenblatt: Twitter announces Jim DeMint's departure, and the secret to Obama Administration's socia media success
2. Activist of the Week: Brad Johnson, Campaign Manager of Forecast the Facts, a new climate change action group 
3. Misinformation on the right: Why do Republicans think ACORN won the election for Obama? Why did GOP senators vote down UN disability rights treaty?
4. Marans's How it Should Be (part 2 in pre-Inauguration series): How pot should be legal in all 50 states
Direct download: TAN_12.8_Hour_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

1. Kevin Roose of New York Magazine on how Fix the Debt became a CEO/Wall St. kaffeklatsche of influence peddling
2. Charlie Mitchell on Filibuster reform
3. President Obama's challenges on foreign policy: Susan Rice, Syria, and Palestinian state recognition at UN. (Shuster, Marans, and Mitch Malasky)
4. Aziz Abu Sarah, Palestinian peace activist and author, on hope for a 2-state solution despite recent events
Direct download: TAN_12.8_Hour_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm EST

1-2. Debate: Should progressives vote Obama or not? Matt Stoller v. Ken Sofer, Part 1
3-4. Buddy Cianci, former mayor of Providence, Rhode Island.
Direct download: TAN_Evergreen_Hour_3FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

Hour 2
1 Charlie Mitchell on Obama v. Congress over Bush tax cuts expiring on wealthy
2 Charlie Mitchell on everything else Congress took up this week
3 Angelo Carusone on Petition to have Macy's dump Donald Trump.
4 Interview with Rep. Emanuel Cleaver outgoing head of the Congressional Black Caucus on racism in the Tea Party
Direct download: p2hour-11-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

Hour 3
1 Alan Rosenblatt on #Gaza, #Twinkies & a joke Boehner staff made about Obama's birthday present to the Speaker
2 Activist of the week: William Fletcher, Walmart worker from Duarte, CA, who will be walking out and protesting on Black Friday 
3  Daniel Marans reporting on grassroots Hurricane Sandy relief efforts in Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY 
4 *New* How It Should Be: How The Media and Politicians Should Talk About Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill and the Social Security Compromise of 1983
Direct download: p3hour-11-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EST

Hour 1

1 Shuster roundup of week. (Obama presser, Boehner on taxes, Pelosi to stay on, Petraeous scandal, Petraeous testimony about Benghazi)
2 Shuster/Marans on GOP media turmoil. (Hannity questions Dick Morris, Dick Morris says he felt "call of duty" to predict Romney landslide.)
3 Shuster/Marans discussion of Progressives' meeting with Obama, Sen. Sanders activism summit, and fight within caucus on cuts to Big 3
4 Cliff Schechter on Obama's outreach to progressives.
Direct download: p1hour-11-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

Hour 3
1. Alan Rosenblatt on election day Twitter records broken -- and mainstream media reporting based on tweets, what is fair game?
2. Activist of the Week: Lorella Praeli (@LorellaLuciana), United We Dream (@UnitedWeDream) -- undocumented youth fighting for education equality
3. Election Night interview: Rep. Raul Grijalva (@RepRaulGrijalva) (D, AZ-3), Co-Chair Congressional Progressive Caucus (@USProgressives)
4. How Do We Do That: How to make bring our third-world voting system into the 21st century (@rickhasen, @WhyTuesday)
Direct download: pTAN_11.10_Hour_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Hour 2
1. Charlie Mitchell (@cfmtan): Introducing the 113th Congress
2. Charlie Mitchell: Implications of the election for a fiscal Grand Bargain in the lame duck session of Congress
3. Day after Election Day interview: Congresswoman-Elect Cheri Bustos (@cheribustos) (D, IL-17) talks victory, bringing jobs home (#Sensata)
4. Marans/Shuster: Inspiring stories from election day 2012 and the quirks of Montana: Libertarian or not? (@jontester, @LPNational)
Direct download: pTAN_11.10_Hour_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Hour 1

1. Shuster on Obama Victory / Romney Concession
2. Shuster on Senate wins -- especially Hoosier disaster Richard Mourdock -- and campaign highlights
3. Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) of Media Matters (@mmfa) on the Fox News implosion on election night
4. Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter): 2012 election proves progressives can win in swing states
Direct download: pTAN_11.10_Hour_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

Hour 3
1  Alan Rosenblatt on Social Media
2  Activist of the Week Joe Szakos, Executive Director of Virginia Organizing
3  Jim Graves, Democrats running against Michelle Bachmann for Congress
4  How do I do that - How do you find your polling place -- and report voter suppression
Direct download: hour3_11-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Hour 2
1  Charlie Mitchell on the race for the Senate 
2  Charlie Mitchell on negativity in the 2012 election
3  Mike Tracey on Jersey shore wreckage
4  Daniel Marans -- The role of climate change in Hurricane Sandy
Direct download: hour2_11-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EST

Hour 1
1  Shuster final stretch presidential debate analysis
2  Col. Chris Perkins Candidate in Virginia's 11th
3  Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11)
4  Cliff Schecter live from Ohio on Ohio
Direct download: hour1_11-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Hour 3
1. Social Media with Alan Rosenblatt: Why did Romney's binders take off on social media after last week's presidential debates? What are ways people can use social media to protect voting rights on election day?
2. Activist of the Week: Maya Rockeymoore, chair of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, and host of We Act Radio's Pivot Point 
3. IL warehouse worker
4. How Do I Do That: Protips on how to avoid some of the worst pitfalls associated with moving into a new house or apartment.
Direct download: 3hourTAN_10-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

Hour 2
1. Charlie Mitchell, editor-in-chief of Take Action News, provides an update on tough House election races
2. Cheri Bustos, Democratic candidate for Congress in IL-17 where #Sensata workers fight for their jobs
*Special Report on Political Pressure in the Workplace*
3. Alec MacGillis, Senior Editor of The New Republic on pressure to donate to Repubicans at Murray Energy, the coutry's largest privately held coal company
4. Mark Ames, Senior Editor at Not Safe for Work Corporation, expert in Russia policy, and author of "Going Postal," on why employer political coercion resembles tactics used by Putin in Russia that has been written up by human rights organizations.
Direct download: 2hourTAN_10-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 1
1.  Shuster presidential debate roundup
2.  Shuster 2012 election recap: Funny moments from Al Smith dinner, and will Obama's "Romnesia" line of attack stick to Romney?
3. Jodi Jacobson, Editor-in-Chief, RH (reproductive health) Reality Check on women's health & reproductive rights in the 2012 presidential election.
4. Cliff on Tagg Romney wanting to "punch Obama."  Funny, I thought the Romneey way was to pin you down and cut your hair?
Direct download: 1hourTAN_10-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 3

Direct download: TANfullshow_10-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EST

Hour 1

1. Shuster - Presidential Debate recap

2. Shuster & Daniel Marans - President Obama's Social Security line that rankled Democrats

3-4. To vote for Obama or not? Progressive v. Progressive. Matt Stoller, fellow at the Roosevelt Institute argues against voting for Obama, on grounds that drone strikes are murderous and the President is not interested in fighting for the middle class. Ken Sofer, research assistant in National Security and International Policy team at the Center for American Progress, believes the PResident has done well considering his political opposition, and is less skeptical of drone strikes.

Hour 2

1. Charlie Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of Take Action News, tells us his thoughts on the Presidential debate and what is new in Congress.

2. Charlie Mitchell on how a Romney Administration might handle the "fiscal cliff" and debt negotiations at year's end, if elected.

3. Shuster and Marans discuss more of the week's news: Paul Ryan calling 30% of Americans dependent because they want to be; and how President Obama's Social Security remarks reveal a willingness to strike a Grand Bargain that may anger progressives.

4. Nicole Belle of Crooks & Liars makes the case that Gov. Jerry Brown of California should not have vetoed the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights.

Hour 3

1. Alan Rosenblatt on social media, with guest Phil Wolgin of Center for American Progress's Immigration Policy Team, on how CAP publicized a new study of economic benefits of the dream act, using the first ever Twitter press release.

2. Activist of the Week - Nick Nyhart, President and CEO of Public Campaign, on fighting for transparency in the Presidential debate rules and getting money out of politics.

3. Mimi Marziani, Counsel in the Brenn Center for Justice's Democracy Program, explains the significance of the Pennsylvania court ruling against the state's law requiring a photo ID to vote. 4. How Do I Do That - Marans explains how to donate your old bike to a third-world country.

Direct download: fullshowtan_10-5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Hour 1

1. Shuster- Election 2012

2. Shuster/Marans- GOP claims of "conspiracy" over polling. 

3. Dave Zirin- (@edgeofsports) on end of NFL ref lockout

4. Cliff Schecter- More Election 2012/Debate prep

Hour 2

1-2. Charlie Mitchell- News from the Hill

3. Larry Korb- National Security

4. Possible extension of Korb / Corporate responsibility: Dr. Bronner's hemp natural soap & shower products (eco-friendly; made through Palestinian-Israeli cooperation)

Hour 3

1. Social media: Alan Rosenblatt with Stu Trevelyan

2. Activist of the Week: Zofia Hausmann, Director of The Agtivists (@agtivists) 

3. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) (@SenSherrodBrown)

4. How Do I Do That 

Direct download: fullshowTAN_9-29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Hour 1
1. The Romney 47%- Daniel Marans 
2. Romney's Latino "outreach" Amanda P. Beadle, 
3. Chicago teachers' Strike ends - Kenzo Shibata (@KenzoShibata), New Media Coordinator for the Chicago Teachers' Union (@CTULocal1)
4. More Election 2012 with Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter), co-owner of We Act Radio.
Hour 2
1. Riots at US embassies in Middle East & Asia - Jake Meth (@jakemeth), Copy Editor at Egypt Independent in Cairo, Aziz Abu Sarah (@azizabusarah), Palestinian activist and author, co-Executive Director of the Center for World Religions
2. Romney's caught-on-tape remarks on Palestinian state- Aziz
3. Obama brings trade case against China - Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller)
4. Mortgage fraud task force; financial reform; #OWS 1-year anniversary - Matt Stoller 
Hour 3
1. Social Media with Ben Barnett (@PoliticiansTV)
2. Activist of the Week - Sister Marge Clark a lobbyist with NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby (@NETWORKLobby)
3. Latest on Voter ID law in PA, and attempts to organize against it, register people - Rashad Robinson (@rashadrobinson), Executive Director of (@colorofchange),
4. Alex Lawson, "How to file a FOIA request?"
Direct download: TAN-9-22-fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

Hour 1
1  Politics 2012:  Romney/Obama foreign policy crisis
2  Interview Alice Fordham (@AliceFordham) correspondent for the National (@TheNationalUAE) in Libya
3  Wayne Powell, running against Eric Cantor, in Virginia's 7th district (@Powell4VA)
4  Cliff Schechter on latest political polls + trends (@cliffschecter)
Hour 2
1  Charlie Mitchell on US/Israel/Netanyahu (@cfmtan)
2  Charlie Mitchell on Congress/potential for "election wave"
3  Frank Menzies, Director of Instrumental Music at Jones College Prep in South Loop neighborhood of Chicago- will be speaking to us live from the drum corps at the major rally downtown in Chicago tomorrow (#CTUStrike, @KenzoShinbata)
4  Richard Rothstein, Economic Policy Institute (@economicpolicy) 
Hour 3
1  Becky Bond interview - Political Director, CREDO Mobile (@CREDOMobile)
2  Activist of the Week - Raymond Lopez a warehouse worker in California's inland empire and member of Warehouse Workers United (@wwunited)
3  Israel/Iran/Obama/Netanyahu - Jeremy Ben-Ami (@JeremyBenAmi), Founder & President of J Street (@jstreetdotorg), "The Political Home for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans"
4  Corp/Social responsibility and How do I do that
Direct download: fullshow9-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

Hour 1

Segment 1 GOP convention
Segment 2 Nasty tone of GOP/Story of CNN Camera woman, discussion with Marans and Callahan. 
Segment 3 Dave Zirin (@edgeofsports), Sports Editor for The Nation, calls for NFL boycott over lockout of referees fighting wage & benefit cuts 
Segment 4 Cliff Schechter on GOP convention and Ohio voting 

Hour 2

Segment 1 - Paul Singer/TBA fact checks Romney and Ryan (@singernews)
Segment 2 - Paul Singer/TBA previews dem convention.
Segment 3 - NYT's Sam Dolnick on NJ halfway houses scandal.
Segment 4 - Corporate responsibility: Boycott Hyatt; Most Hiltons are okay

Hour 3

Segment 1: Social media with Alan Rosenblatt
Segment 2 - Activist of the Week Lee Rowland of the Brennan Center for Justice (@brennancenter) on court ruling overturning restrictions on Florida's voter registration groups
Segment 3 - Lee Rowland on voting: The fights in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia & Texas.  
Segment 4 - Shuster notebook on conventions. How Do I Do That with Daniel Marans: NEXUS pass for expedited entry to Canada, and reporting & replacing a lost passport

Direct download: 9-1fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST


Segment 1: Shuster – Political round up
Segment 2: Shuster – GOP Platform
Segment 3: 12:30 Rob Zerban Dem candidate running against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin 1st congressional district
Segment 4: 12:45 Cliff Schecter – Dem strategy, post Akin scandal

HOUR 2 Segment 1: 1:00 Charlie Mitchell – Romney energy plan
Segment 2: Charlie Mitchell cont. – Health policy
Segment 3: 1:30 Ari Rabin-Havt – Fox News GOP cheerleading
Segment 4: 1:45 Nancy Cohen – GOP war on Women, Akin

Segment 1: Alan Rosenblatt – Social media segment
Segment 2: Robin Morgan – Activist of the Week
Segment 3: Robin Morgan- Women's Media Center Live launch  
Segment 4: Shuster – Corporate Responsibility/College football

Direct download: fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Hour 1
1. Shuster on 2012 presidential elections
2. Marans & Shuster on difference between Ryan's proposed Medicare cuts & Obama's Medicare savings in the Affordable Care Act
3. Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser), Senior Constitutional Policy Expert, Center for American Progress, on Arizona's crackdown on its own legal medical pot
4. Cliff Schecter (@Cliffschecter), co-owner, We Act Radio on Ryan pick and latest shooting in Texas.
Hour 2
1-2. Charlie Mitchell (@cfmtan), Editor-in-Chief, TAN, welfare reform, Romney claim that Obama loosened the work requirement, and the ongoing sags of Darrell Issa pursuing Eric Holder
3. David Frum (@davidfrum), contributing editor at Newsweek and The Daily Beast and a CNN contributor, on Ryan VP pick and the themes in his book Patriots
4. Frum debates Ryan VP pick with Francesca Chambers (@fran_chambers), Editor of Red Alert Politics - she likes Ryan pick, Frum not so much
Hour 3
1. Ben Barnett (@PoliticiansTV) on PA Voter ID laws, and covering the 2000 DNC as one of the first online reporting teams
2-3. Activist of the Week: Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) is the author of over a dozen books, including most recently, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet about the ongoing impact of climate change, the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, and founder of McKibben led protests against Keystone XL and fracking.
4. How do I do that? with Daniel Marans
Direct download: TAN081612_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:42pm EST

Rick Smith, host of the Rick Smith Show live from the AFL-CIO's "Workers Stand for America" rally in Philadelphia.

Cliff Schecter of We Act Radio on Paul Ryan Veep pick.

Charlie Mitchell, TAN Editor-in-Chief on Ryan's record in Congress.

Allison Kilkenny, co-host of the progressive political podcast Citizen Radio ( and independent journalist who blogs at, on what RYan pick means for the class war and protests across the world against austerity.

Activist of the Week: Elsa Caballero is the SEIU Local 1 Texas State Director, on the raise she helped negotiate for striking janitors in Houston who make $9,000/year for their work, including many in the JP Morgan Chase tower. Leader of "Call me, Jamie" campaign to get Jamie Dimon's attention.

Alan Rosenblatt on Veep pick on Twitter.

Elizabeth McElroy, Secretary-Treasurer of Philadelphia Central Labor Council, live from the AFL-CIO's "Workers Stand for America" rally in Philadelphia. What is state of labor in Philly & PA?

How Do I Do That: How do I estimate what my Social Security benefits would be? Social Security's 77th birthday on August 14.

Direct download: podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

Hour 1
Presidential Race 2012: A look at Romey's plan to increase taxes on the middle class
Louie Gohmert and the things he says
Daniel Marans on the Chick-Fil-A controversy
Cliff Schecter on the crazy gun law NRA is trying to get passed in TN; Romney’s taxes

Hour 2
Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call: Update from the Hill
Corporate responsibility: Boycott Palermo’s Pizza
John Taylor, President & CEO, National Community Reinvestment Coalition on the refusal by Ed DeMarco, Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to reduce the principal amount people owe on their underwater home mortgages.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) on running strong on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Hour 3
Alan Rosenblatt on social media: Twitter election meters with Paul Singer, Politics Editor of USA Today
Activist of the Week: Michael Skolnik, Political Director to Russell Simmons, and Editor-in-Chief of the Global Grind  
How Do I Do That with Daniel Marans

Direct download: fullshowpodcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

This week's show:

Dave Zirin of the Nation and The Edge of Sports XM radio show talking NCAA.

Cliff Schecter on the politics and reality of guns.

Michael McAuliff of the Huffington Post on what's new in Congress.

Matt Stoller of BrandX & the Roosevelt Institute.

Brad Crelia, Editor-at-Large of on 2012 Internationl AIDS conference.

Ben Barnett of the Philly Media Bureau on social media.

Ai-Jen Poo, Director of the Domestic Workers Alliance, our Activist of the Week on the fight for paid sick leave in New York City.

Will O'Neill, on returning his Eagle Scout badge to protests Boy Scouts of America's anti-gay discrimination.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and KHXI-FM, FM 99.9 in Sallisaw, OK.

Direct download: fullshow7-28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EST

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and KHXI-FM, FM 99.9 in Sallisaw, OK.

Direct download: TAN_7-21-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm EST

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and KHXI-FM, FM 99.9 in Sallisaw, OK.

Direct download: TAN_7-14_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: Tan_7-7_Allc.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: full_show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: full_TAN_6_9_2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: Tan_6-2_fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: TAN_-_5-28_all.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12am EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: tan_5-19_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55am EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: Take-Action-News-5-5-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: TAN_4-29_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:41pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action. Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

Direct download: TAN_4-21-12_Full.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:48pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm ET  

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action. Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and WVKO 1580AM in Columbus, OH. Take Action News is also broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area, Saturdays 4pm-7pm CT (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South).

You can learn more about Take Action News by visiting

Direct download: TAN_4-14-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area, broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and online at

Direct download: TAN_3-31_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

Note*** poor audio quality on recording- sorry. 

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area, broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and online at

Direct download: TAN_3-24-12_-_12-00-31_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15am EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at WPWC We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area, broadcast on WCPT 820AM in the Chicago area (also 92.5 FM West, 92.7 FM North, 99.9 FM South) and online at

Direct download: TAN_2012-03-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and online at

Direct download: TAN_-_3-10-12_-_2012-03-10-12-00-32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

Take Action News with David Shuster 3/3/2012

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and online at

Direct download: TAN_2012-03-03-12-04-51.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and online at

Direct download: Take_action_news_2-25-12_-_2012-02-25-12-03-03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:28pm EST

Take Action News with David Shuster 2/18/2012

Take Action News with David Shuster

LIVE Saturday, 12pm-3pm

Take Action News (#TAN) is a nonpartisan, independent digital news service dedicated to engaging the public with news and information about how our government works, along with tools for readers to get involved in government decision-making processes. We want to empower citizens to Take Action.

Take Action News with David Shuster is live on the air at We Act Radio 1480AM in the DC area and online at

Direct download: TAN_2-18-12_-_2012-02-18-12-01-29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST