Sat, 21 September 2019
Gavin Bade is a reporter on the Pro Energy team covering the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, electricity markets and state policy. Cathy Kunkel is an energy policy expert and public advocate and Democratic candidate in West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional district.
Sat, 21 September 2019
Find Anat's podcast: |
Sat, 14 September 2019
Nancy Altman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pension Rights Center and the President of Social Security Works. She Is author of the new book “The Truth About Social Security: The Founders’ Words Refute REvisionist History, Zombie Lies and Common Misunderstandings
Hannah Gais is a freelance writer based on the East Coast. She recently completed a graduate program (MTS, class of 2019) at Harvard Divinity School, where she focused on the intersection of nationalism, extremism, and Russian Orthodox identity in a post-Soviet context. she was also a graduate student associate at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. |
Sat, 14 September 2019
David Karpf is an associate professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at the George Washington University. His work focuses on strategic communication practices of political associations in America, with a particular interest in Internet-related strategies. Dr. Karpf is the award-winning author of The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy (2012, Oxford University Press) and Analytic Activism: Digital Listening and the New Political Strategy (2016, Oxford University Press). |
Sat, 14 September 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. |
Sat, 7 September 2019
NATHAN J. ROBINSON is a leading voice of millennial left politics. He is the editor of Current Affairs, a print magazine of political and cultural analysis. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The New Republic, The Nation, and elsewhere. A graduate of Yale Law School, he is a PhD student in Sociology and Social Policy at Harvard University, where his work focuses on the U.S. criminal justice system. |
Sat, 7 September 2019
Bob Kincaid is a Progressive Broadcaster in the Head-On Radio Network ( and activist with Coal River Mountain Watch ( He’s a co-founder if CRMW’s Appalachian Communities Health Emergency (ACHE) Campaign, which originated the bill of the same name. As a broadcaster, Bob has devoted more time to informing people about the scourge of Mountaintop Removal’s impact in Appalachia than any other broadcaster on the planet.
Yeva Nersisyan is a Research Scholar at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and an Associate Professor of economics at Franklin and Marshall College. She is a macroeconomist working in the Post Keynesian and Institutionalist traditions. Her research interests include monetary theory, financial instability and regulation and macroeconomic policy. Yeva has published a number of papers on the topics of shadow banking, fiscal policy, government deficits and debt, financial fragility and instability, financial reform and retirement policy. She teaches Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Women in the Economy, Macroeconomic Stability and other courses at Franklin and Marshall College. |
Sat, 7 September 2019
Maj. Danny Sjursen, a Truthdig regular contributor, is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, "Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge." He lives in Lawrence, Kan. Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet and check out his new podcast "Fortress on a Hill," co-hosted with fellow vet Chris "Henri" Henrikson. |
Sat, 31 August 2019
Ronald Purser is Professor of Management in the College of Business and the Educational Doctorate in Leadership program in the College of Education at San Francisco State University. His scholarship currently focuses on mindfulness in organizations, and how Buddhist psychology and Buddhist social theory can inform social change and transformation. In addition, Prof. Purser writings have been exploring the challenges and issues of introducing mindfulness into secular contexts, particularly with regards to its encounter with modernity, Western consumer capitalism, and individualism. Dr. Purser is an ordained Zen Dharma Teacher in the Korean Zen Taego order of Buddhism. |
Sat, 31 August 2019
Clifton Garmon is the Chief of Staff at VOCAL-NY, having previously served as the organization’s Senior Policy Analyst for over 3 years. Before joining the VOCAL team, Clifton worked for the Ali Forney Center, where he focused on campaigns and policies advocating for LGBT homeless youth. Clifton has dedicated both his academic and professional careers to social justice advocacy. Clifton holds Bachelor degrees in Sociology and Political Science from Lenoir-Rhyne University, and a Masters in Social Work from Columbia University. Christian is a senior member of Amazon Watch's team. Having coordinated the Brazil Program since 2009, Christian also led the organization's efforts to encourage a shift toward non-hydro energy alternatives in Brazil's electricity matrix. While managing Amazon Watch's Paris office, he partnered with European NGOs on Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns. He has over sixteen years experience in the fields of international development and advocacy focusing on environmental, agrarian, and social justice issues. Prior to joining Amazon Watch, Christian assisted Brazil's Landless Workers Movement and managed rural development and micro enterprise projects in West Africa. He is fluent in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish. |
Sat, 31 August 2019
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. His most recent book is ‘I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street,’ about the infamous killing of Eric Garner by the New York City police. He’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers 'Insane Clown President,' 'The Divide,' 'Griftopia,' and 'The Great Derangement.' His latest is “Hate Inc” at Matt is also the co-host of the new podcast, Useful Idiots with Katie Halper |
Sat, 24 August 2019
Thom Hartmann is the four-time Project Censored Award-winning, New York Times best-selling author of 25 books currently in print in over a dozen languages on five continents.
Sat, 24 August 2019
Melissa Troutman is a journalist, writer and vocal artist. She began investigating shale gas extraction in 2010 as a newspaper reporter in her hometown of Coudersport, Pennsylvania before co-founding the investigative news nonprofit Public Herald, where she now serves as Executive Director. Lori Wallach is the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. A 25-year veteran of congressional trade battles starting with the 1990s fight over NAFTA, she was named to the “Politico’s 50” list of thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016 for her leadership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership debate. Wallach is an internationally recognized expert on trade with experience advocating in Congress and foreign parliaments, trade negotiations, courts, government agencies, the media and in the streets. |
Sat, 24 August 2019
Professor Kelton has worked in both academia and politics. She served as chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee (Democratic staff) in 2015 and as a senior economic adviser to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. She currently works as a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Stony Brook University, and she holds Visiting Professorships at The New School for Social Research, the University of Ljubljana, and the University of Adelaide. She is a member of the TopWonks network of the nation’s best thinkers and one of POLITICO’s 50 Most Influential Thinkers (2016). She was previously Chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. Her forthcoming book, The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and Creating an Economy for the People (summer 2020), shows how to break free of the flawed thinking that has hamstrung policymakers around the world. |
Sat, 17 August 2019
Editor The Grayzone Project & Author of the book “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks. |
Sat, 17 August 2019
Whitney Webb is a MintPress News journalist based in Chile. She has contributed to several independent media outlets including Global Research, EcoWatch, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has made several radio and television appearances and is the 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. |
Sat, 17 August 2019
Stephen Smith is an organizer and Democratic gubernatorial candidate on the WV Can't Wait slate. |
Sat, 10 August 2019
Tithi Bhattacharya is Associate Professor and Director of Global Studies at Purdue University. She was one of the main organizers of the International Women’s Strike in the United States and is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review. |
Sat, 10 August 2019
John Larson is U.S. Representative for Connecticut's 1st congressional district, serving since 1999. The district is based in the state capital, Hartford. He is a member of the Democratic Party. Larson is the former chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. |
Sat, 10 August 2019
Stephen Miles is Executive Director of Win Without War |
Sat, 3 August 2019
Maj. Danny Sjursen, a Truthdig regular contributor, is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, "Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge." He lives in Lawrence, Kan. Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet and check out his new podcast "Fortress on a Hill," co-hosted with fellow vet Chris "Henri" Henrikson.
Linda Benesch is the Communications Director at Social Security Works, a national organization fighting to address our nation's retirement income crisis by protecting and expanding Social Security. |
Sat, 3 August 2019
Stacy is co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and directs its initiative to decentralize economic power and level the playing field for independent businesses. She has produced many influential reports and articles, designed local and federal policies, and collaborated to build effective coalitions and campaigns. |
Sat, 3 August 2019
Nathan J. Robinson is a PhD student in Sociology & Social Policy and the editor of the magazine Current Affairs. He is author of the book, Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity |
Sat, 27 July 2019
Natalie Shure is a the Head Researcher for “Adam Ruins Everything” on TruTV, and a writer whose work has appeared in the Atlantic, Slate, Pacific Standard, and elsewhere. |
Sat, 27 July 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. |
Sat, 27 July 2019
Rebecca Vallas is the Vice President of the Poverty to Prosperity Program at the Center for American Progress. She is also the host of Off-Kilter podcast powered by CAP Action.
Keri Leigh Merritt works as a historian and writer in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her B.A. from Emory University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Her first book, Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South (Cambridge University Press, 2017), won both the Bennett Wall Award from the Southern Historical Association, honoring the best book in Southern economic or business history published in the previous two years, as well as the President’s Book Award from the Social Science History Association. |
Sat, 20 July 2019
Marjorie Kelly is the Senior Fellow and Executive Vice President of The Democracy Collaborative, where she heads up a variety of consulting and research projects and serves as a member of the senior management team.
Sat, 20 July 2019
Ryan Grim is The Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief. |
Sat, 20 July 2019
Helaine Olen is a contributor to Post Opinions and the author of "Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry" and co-author of "The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated." Her work has appeared in Slate, the Nation, the New York Times, the Atlantic and many other publications. She serves on the advisory board of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project
Sat, 6 July 2019
Keri Leigh Merritt works as a historian and writer in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her B.A. from Emory University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Her first book, Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South (Cambridge University Press, 2017), won both the Bennett Wall Award from the Southern Historical Association, honoring the best book in Southern economic or business history published in the previous two years, as well as the President’s Book Award from the Social Science History Association. Merritt is also co-editor, with Matthew Hild, of Reconsidering Southern Labor History: Race, Class, and Power (University Press of Florida, 2018), which won the 2019 Best Book Award from the UALE (United Association for Labor Education). She is currently conducting research for two additional book-length projects. One is on radical black resistance in the still understudied Reconstruction era. The second project examines the changing role of law enforcement in the mid-nineteenth century South. It will ultimately link the rise of professional police forces in the Deep South to the end of slavery. Merritt also writes historical pieces for the public, and has had letters and essays published in Aeon, Bill Moyers, The Bitter Southerner, Salon, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. Jodie Evans is the co-founder and director of CODEPINK and the co-founder of the after-school writing program 826LA. She has been a visionary advocate for peace for several decades. An inspired motivator, Jodie invigorates nascent activists and re-invigorates seasoned activists through her ever-evolving, always exciting methods to promote peace. |
Sat, 6 July 2019
Danny Sjursen is a former US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. |
Sat, 6 July 2019
Editor, The Grayzone Project & Author of “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks, available now |
Sat, 29 June 2019
Alex Lawson is the Executive Director of Social Security Works |
Sat, 29 June 2019
![]() Rep. Ro Khanna is an American academic, lawyer, and politician serving as the U.S. Representative from California's 17th congressional district, since 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he defeated eight-term incumbent Democratic Representative Mike Honda in the general election on November 8, 2016, after first running for the same seat in 2014. Khanna also served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the United States Department of Commerce under President Barack Obama from August 8, 2009, to August 2011.
Jenn Budd Former Senior Border Patrol Agent & Writer |
Sat, 29 June 2019
Professor Kelton has worked in both academia and politics. She served as chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee (Democratic staff) in 2015 and as a senior economic adviser to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. She currently works as a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Stony Brook University, and she holds Visiting Professorships at The New School for Social Research, the University of Ljubljana, and the University of Adelaide. She is a member of the TopWonks network of the nation’s best thinkers and one of POLITICO’s 50 Most Influential Thinkers (2016). She was previously Chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. |
Sat, 22 June 2019
Eric Levitz is a Political Correspondent for New York Magazine's Intelligencer |
Sat, 22 June 2019
Jay O’Neal is a middle school teacher in Charleston, WV. A member of the West Virginia Education Association and a founder of the WV United caucus, Jay created the “West Virginia Public Employees UNITED” Facebook group which served as the catalyst and organizing hub for the West Virginia teachers’ and service personnel strike of 2018. |
Sat, 22 June 2019
Melissa Troutman is a journalist, writer and vocal artist. She began investigating shale gas extraction in 2010 as a newspaper reporter in her hometown of Coudersport, Pennsylvania before co-founding the investigative news nonprofit Public Herald, where she now serves as Executive Director. Lori Wallach is the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. A 25-year veteran of congressional trade battles starting with the 1990s fight over NAFTA, she was named to the “Politico’s 50” list of thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016 for her leadership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership debate. Wallach is an internationally recognized expert on trade with experience advocating in Congress and foreign parliaments, trade negotiations, courts, government agencies, the media and in the streets.
Sat, 15 June 2019
David Weigel is a national political correspondent covering Congress and grass-roots political movements. He is the author of "The Show That Never Ends," a history of progressive rock music. |
Sat, 15 June 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Professor Wolff is also Host of the program “Economic Update” on Free Speech TV, which airs Tuesdays from 8 to 9pmET, and Founder of |
Sat, 15 June 2019
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins The Zero Hour just moments after delivering a rousing defense of democratic socialism and the need to establish an economic bill of rights. |
Sat, 8 June 2019
NATHAN J. ROBINSON is a leading voice of millennial left politics. He is the editor of Current Affairs, a print magazine of political and cultural analysis. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The New Republic, The Nation, and elsewhere. A graduate of Yale Law School, he is a PhD student in Sociology and Social Policy at Harvard University, where his work focuses on the U.S. criminal justice system. |
Sat, 8 June 2019
Steve Kofahl served 42 years as a Social Security Administration field office Claims Representative, retiring in September 2015. He has been active with his union, the American Federation of Government Employees, for 37 years and continuing. He is an AFGE District Retiree Coordinator, serves on the Alliance for Retired Americans National Executive Board, and is actively involved in Washington State with community and labor organizations advocating for protection and expansion of Social Security and Medicare. |
Sat, 8 June 2019
Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America |
Sat, 1 June 2019
Thom Hartmann is the four-time Project Censored Award-winning, New York Times best-selling author of 25 books currently in print in over a dozen languages on five continents. |
Sat, 1 June 2019
Helaine Olen is a contributor to Post Opinions and the author of "Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry" and co-author of "The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated." Her work has appeared in Slate, the Nation, the New York Times, the Atlantic and many other publications. She serves on the advisory board of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and lives in New York City with her husband, sons and poodle daughter. |
Sat, 1 June 2019
Ryan Grim is The Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief. He is the author of “We've Got People: From Jesse Jackson to AOC, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a Movement” from Strong Arm Press. Ask your local bookstore about it or check it out on Amazon. Ryan was previously the Washington bureau chief for HuffPost, where he led a team that was twice a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and won once. He edited and contributed reporting to groundbreaking investigative project on heroin treatment that not only changed federal and state laws, but shifted the culture of the recovery industry. The story, by Jason Cherkis, was a Pulitzer finalist and won a Polk Award. |
Sat, 25 May 2019
Sen. Jeff Merkley is an American politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Oregon since 2009. He is a member of the Democratic Party. Prior to his election to the Senate, Merkley was a five-term member of the Oregon House of Representatives representing the state’s 47th district, located in central Multnomah County at the eastern side of Portland. From 2007 to 2009, he served as Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives. Lori Wallach is the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. A 25-year veteran of congressional trade battles starting with the 1990s fight over NAFTA, she was named to the “Politico’s 50” list of thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016 for her leadership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership debate. Wallach is an internationally recognized expert on trade with experience advocating in Congress and foreign parliaments, trade negotiations, courts, government agencies, the media and in the streets.
-- posted at: 3:12pm EST
Sat, 25 May 2019
Liza Featherstone is a journalist based in New York City and a contributing editor to The Nation, where she also writes the advice column “Asking for a Friend.” Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Ms., and Rolling Stone among many other outlets. She is the co-author of Students against Sweatshops: The Making of a Movement (Verso, 2002) and author of Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers’ Rights at Wal-Mart (Basic, 2004). She is the editor of False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton (Verso, 2016). Her latest book is “Divining Desire: FOCUS GROUPS AND THE CULTURE OF CONSULTATION” |
Sat, 25 May 2019
Danny Sjursen is a former US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. |
Sat, 18 May 2019
Keith A. Spencer, a cultural critic, essayist, and editor at, where I manage the sci/tech vertical. I’m a generalist as far as editors go, though I have a background in the sciences that has led me to comment extensively on the politics of science and technology, with a focus on the politics of space colonization, the cultural and social ramifications of the tech industry, and the sociology of Burning Man. My new book, “A People’s History of Silicon Valley: How the Tech Industry Exploits Workers, Erodes Privacy and Undermines Democracy” was released in late 2018 from Squint Books. |
Sat, 18 May 2019
Astra Taylor is the author of The People's Platform (winner of the American Book Award) and made three documentary films, Zizek!, Examined Life, and What Is Democracy?. Taylor’s writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, n+1, and The Baffler, where she is a contributing editor. She lives in New York City. |
Sat, 18 May 2019
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. His most recent book is ‘I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street,’ about the infamous killing of Eric Garner by the New York City police. He’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers 'Insane Clown President,' 'The Divide,' 'Griftopia,' and 'The Great Derangement.' His latest is “Hate Inc” at |
Sat, 11 May 2019
Alex Lawson is Executive Director of Social Security Works |
Sat, 11 May 2019
Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. She has been an advocate for social justice for more than 40 years. She’s the author of several books, including most recently, “Inside Iran: THE REAL HISTORY AND POLITICS OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN” |
Sat, 11 May 2019
Editor, The Grayzone Project & Author of the book “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks |
Sat, 4 May 2019
Harvey J Kaye is an American historian, sociologist & author. Harvey J Kaye is currently the Director of the Center for History and Social Change at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. His latest book is “The Fight For the Four Freedoms” |
Sat, 4 May 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Professor Wolff is also Host of the program “Economic Update” on Free Speech TV, which airs Tuesdays from 8 to 9pmET, and Founder of |
Sat, 4 May 2019
Sen. Jeff Merkley is an American politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Oregon since 2009. He is a member of the Democratic Party. Prior to his election to the Senate, Merkley was a five-term member of the Oregon House of Representatives representing the state's 47th district, located in central Multnomah County at the eastern side of Portland. From 2007 to 2009, he served as Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives. Lori Wallach is the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. A 25-year veteran of congressional trade battles starting with the 1990s fight over NAFTA, she was named to the “Politico’s 50” list of thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016 for her leadership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership debate. Wallach is an internationally recognized expert on trade with experience advocating in Congress and foreign parliaments, trade negotiations, courts, government agencies, the media and in the streets. |
Sat, 27 April 2019
Marie Newman (Democrat) is a Democratic primary candidate for Illinois' 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House. |
Sat, 27 April 2019
Ryan Grim's interview continued |
Sat, 27 April 2019
Ryan Grim is Washington Bureau Chief of The Intercept, and author “We’ve Got People” |
Sat, 20 April 2019
Peter Gowan is a policy associate at The Next System Project. Peter’s previous research focuses on political economy and alternative models of ownership. Last year he co-authored the “Social Housing in the United States” report for the People’s Policy Project, which received positive coverage in The Nation, The Guardian, Jacobin, Mother Jones, and Current Affairs. He produced research on the Swedish Meidner Plan, plans for systemic economic transition, and decarbonization. He also worked as a researcher for Irish parliamentarians Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy, contributing to labor market and housing policy development. |
Sat, 20 April 2019
Cole Stangler is a Paris-based journalist covering labor and politics. His work has appeared in outlets like The Nation, Jacobin, The Atlantic and VICE, among others. |
Sat, 20 April 2019
Liza Featherstone is a journalist based in New York City and a contributing editor to The Nation, where she also writes the advice column “Asking for a Friend.” Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Ms., and Rolling Stone among many other outlets. She is the co-author of Students against Sweatshops: The Making of a Movement (Verso, 2002) and author of Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers’ Rights at Wal-Mart (Basic, 2004). She is the editor of False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton (Verso, 2016). Her latest book is “Diving Desire: FOCUS GROUPS AND THE CULTURE OF CONSULTATION” |
Sat, 13 April 2019
Igor Volsky is founder and the Director of Guns Down America. Igor has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, Fox Business, Fox News, and CNBC television, and he has been a guest on many radio shows. His work on gun violence prevention has appeared in USA Today, U.S. News and World Report and the Orlando Sentinel, among others. In 2011, Forbes named Igor one of their top “30 under 30” in Law & Policy. At Guns Down, he sets the overall strategy and leads our outreach efforts. |
Sat, 13 April 2019
Incoming (arriving June 1) American Prospect executive editor David Dayen is a contributing writer to who also writes for The Intercept, The New Republic, and The Fiscal Times. His first book, Chain of Title, about three ordinary Americans who uncover Wall Street's foreclosure fraud, was released by The New Press on May 17, 2016. He is also co-author of “Fat Cat: The Steve Mnuchin Story” from Strong Arm Press. |
Sat, 13 April 2019
Brianna Rennix is the Senior Editor at Current Affairs Magazine |
Sat, 6 April 2019
Danny Goldberg, President of Gold Village Entertainment, has worked in the music business as a personal manager, record company President, public relations man and journalist since the late 1960s. Gold Village Entertainment was formed in July 2007 and marks the return to artist management for Goldberg. A complete roster of artists can be found here. His latest book is “Serving The Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain” (Ecco, April 2019). Goldberg’s previous books include, “How The Left Lost Teen Spirit”, “Bumping Into Geniuses: My Life Inside The Rock and Roll Business” and “In Search of The Lost Chord: 1967 and the Hippie Idea”. Rebecca Cokley is the director of the Disability Justice Initiative at American Progress, where her work focuses on disability policy. Most recently, she served as the executive director of the National Council on Disability (NCD), an independent agency charged with advising Congress and the White House on issues of national disability public policy. She joined the NCD in 2013 after serving in the Obama administration for four years, including time at the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as a successful stint at the White House where she oversaw diversity and inclusion efforts. |
Sat, 6 April 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Professor Wolff is also Host of the program “Economic Update” on Free Speech TV, which airs Tuesdays from 8 to 9pmET, and Founder of |
Sat, 6 April 2019
Editor, The Grayzone Project & Author of “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks, available now |
Sat, 30 March 2019
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod is a member of the Glasgow University Media Group. His latest book, Bad News From Venezuela: 20 Years of Fake News and Misreporting, was published by Routledge in April (2018) |
Sat, 30 March 2019
Lyta Gold is the Amusements Editor for Current Affairs Magazine Diane Archer is founder and president of Just Care USA, an independent digital media hub that focuses on health and financial issues facing boomers, older adults and their caregivers and promotes policy solutions. Ms. Archer is the past chair of the Board of Consumer Reports, and serves on the Board of the Benedict Silverman Foundation, the Brown University School of Public Health Advisory Board and Tarbell. Ms. Archer began her career in health advocacy in 1989 as founder and president of the Medicare Rights Center, a national consumer service organization dedicated to ensuring that older and disabled Americans get the health care they need. She served on the MRC board of directors until December 2007. Other positions include director of the Health Care for All project for the Institute for America’s Future (2005-2010). |
Sat, 30 March 2019
Ryan Grim is an author, Washington bureau chief for The Intercept., and a political commentator for The Young Turks. He’s also working with “Strong Arm Press” on the upcoming book We've Got People: The Rise of a New Force in American Politics Ryan wrote the introduction for the new book from Strong Arm Press, “The Mueller Papers” available through booksellers around the country and on Amazon. |
Sat, 23 March 2019
Keri Leigh Merritt works as a historian and writer in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her B.A. from Emory University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Her first book, Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South (Cambridge University Press, 2017), won both the Bennett Wall Award from the Southern Historical Association, honoring the best book in Southern economic or business history published in the previous two years, as well as the President’s Book Award from the Social Science History Association.
Sat, 23 March 2019
Danny Sjursen is a former US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. |
Sat, 23 March 2019
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. His most recent book is ‘I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street,’ about the infamous killing of Eric Garner by the New York City police. He’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers 'Insane Clown President,' 'The Divide,' 'Griftopia,' and 'The Great Derangement.' His latest is “Hate Inc” at |
Sat, 16 March 2019
Natalie Shure is Head Researcher for Adam Ruins Everything on TruTV & Writer on health, history and politics for various outlets |
Sat, 16 March 2019
Randy Bryce is a U.S. Army veteran, cancer survivor, and ironworker and Founder “Iron PAC” |
Sat, 16 March 2019
Nathan J. Robinson is a PhD student in Sociology & Social Policy and the editor of the magazine Current Affairs. He is author of the book, Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity and Super Predator: Bill Clinton’s Use and Abuse of Black America. |
Sat, 9 March 2019
Max Blumenthal is Editor of The Grayzone Project & Author of the forthcoming book “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks. |
Sat, 9 March 2019
Timothy Faust is a single-payer activist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. His book Health Justice Now comes out in August.
Sat, 9 March 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Professor Wolff is also Host of the program “Economic Update” on Free Speech TV, which airs Tuesdays from 8 to 9pmET, and Founder of |
Sat, 2 March 2019
John Nichols writes about politics for The Nation as its national-affairs correspondent. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books, and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress. |
Sat, 2 March 2019
Jennifer King is a beekeeper in Jefferson County and owner of “Eversweet Apiaries”, and her family has been in Jefferson County for eight generations. She has been active in the struggle to preserve Jefferson County’s culture and to protect the county from the type of industrialization and out-of-state interests that have captured the other 54 counties in West Virginia. Rick Perlstein is the author of The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan. Before that, he published Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America (2008), a New York Times bestseller picked as one of the best nonfiction books of the year by over a dozen publications, and Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus, winner of the 2001 Los Angeles Times Book Award for history. A contributing writer at The Nation, former chief national correspondent for the Village Voice, and a former online columnist for the New Republic and Rolling Stone, his journalism and essays have appeared in Newsweek, The New York Times, and many other publications.
Sat, 2 March 2019
Nancy Altman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pension Rights Center and the President of Social Security Works. She Is author of the new book “The Truth About Social Security: The Founders’ Words Refute Revisionist History, Zombie Lies and Common Misunderstandings" |
Sat, 23 February 2019
Ryan Grim is an author, Washington bureau chief for The Intercept., and a political commentator for The Young Turks. Keep an eye out for Ryan’s upcoming book, We’ve Got People: The Rise of a New Force in American Politics from Strong Arm Press. Johanna Bozuwa is a Research Associate for the Democracy Collaborative. Her research focuses on transitioning from the extractive, fossil fuel economy and building towards resilient and equitable communities based on energy democracy. |
Sat, 23 February 2019
Stephanie Kelton is an American economist and Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University.She was formerly Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City, Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee 2015 minority party staff and an Economic Advisor to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. |
Sat, 23 February 2019
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. His most recent book is ‘I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street,’ about the infamous killing of Eric Garner by the New York City police. He’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers ‘Insane Clown President,’ ‘The Divide,’ ‘Griftopia,’ and ‘The Great Derangement.’ His latest is “Hate Inc” at
Jocelyn Macurdy Keats is an Correspondent, covering Congress, activism and national affairs from Washington, D.C. |
Sat, 16 February 2019
Diarmaid McDonald has worked on access to medicines issues for many years, focused on global HIV. "Over recent years I've become increasingly interested in the impact of the pharmaceutical industry on the NHS. I got Just Treatment started and I'm now working with Wiz and our leader group to build support for a total rethink in how we develop and sell medicines. I believe these changes are essential to the future of the NHS as we know it.” Helaine Olen is a contributor to Post Opinions and the author of "Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry" and co-author of "The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated." Her work has appeared in Slate, the Nation, the New York Times, the Atlantic and many other publications. She serves on the advisory board of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and lives in New York City with her husband, sons and poodle daughter. |
Sat, 16 February 2019
Kate Aronoff is a fellow at the Type Media Center and a contributing writer to the Intercept. |
Sat, 16 February 2019
Medea Benjamin is cofounder of human rights group Global Exchange and peace group CODEPINK.and author, “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran” Sonya E Meyerson-Knox is the Media Program Manager for Jewish Voice for Peace Sonya recently returned from 16 years in Beirut, where she worked as a journalist and in international development with the UN and with Palestinian grassroots organizations. She has written extensively on young women's lives in Palestinian refugee camps and on Arab adolescent health, co-founded Indymedia Beirut and was an editor on Sawt al Niswa, a network of feminist writers, activists and artists in the Middle East. Proudly raised in an interfaith household, Sonya remains astounded at the growing transformation of the Jewish community and is thrilled to get to work daily towards justice in Palestine. |
Sat, 9 February 2019
Professor Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. |
Sat, 9 February 2019
Ryan Grim is an author, Washington bureau chief for The Intercept., and a political commentator for The Young Turks. Keep an eye out for Ryan's upcoming book, We've Got People: The Rise of a New Force in American Politics from Strong Arm Press. Johanna is a Research Associate for the Democracy Collaborative. Her research focuses on transitioning from the extractive, fossil fuel economy and building towards resilient and equitable communities based on energy democracy. |
Sat, 9 February 2019
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. His most recent book is ‘I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street,’ about the infamous killing of Eric Garner by the New York City police. He’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers 'Insane Clown President,' 'The Divide,' 'Griftopia,' and 'The Great Derangement.' His latest is “Hate Inc” at
Jocelyn Macurdy Keats is an Correspondent, covering Congress, activism and national affairs from Washington, D.C. |
Sat, 2 February 2019
Max Blumenthal is Editor The Grayzone Project & Author of the forthcoming book “The Management of Savagery” at VersoBooks |
Sat, 2 February 2019
Sarah Jaffe is a fellow at Type Media Center and the author of Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt (Nation Books). Eric Blanc writes on labor movements past and present. Formerly a high school teacher in the Bay Area, he is a doctoral student in the sociology department at New York University. |
Sat, 2 February 2019
Monica Jahan Bose “Monica Jahan Bose is a Bangladeshi-American artist, lawyer, and activist. Her work includes painting, drawing, printmaking, installation, sculpture, and performance, as well as advocacy on women’s issues and the environment. Born in Britain, she has also lived in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Japan, and France, and the US. Her heritage is both Hindu (father’s side) and Muslim (mother’s side). She studied art at Wesleyan University and Santiniketan, India and has a law degree from Columbia University. She has exhibited extensively in galleries and museums in the US and internationally, including in Bangladesh, France, Japan and India. She now lives and works in Washington DC, spending part of the year working in Bangladesh. She serves on the board of Samhati, a US-based Bangladeshi women’s organization that creates small projects focused on ecology and literacy to empower poor women in Bangladesh. She is also on the board of the South Asian Women’s Creative Collective.”
Daniel Marans is a Politics Reporter for HuffPost |
Sat, 19 January 2019
Heidi Shierholz leads EPI’s policy team, which monitors wage and employment policies coming out of Congress and the administration and advances a worker-first policy agenda. Throughout her career, Shierholz has educated policymakers, journalists, and the public about the effects of economic policies on low- and middle-income families. Her research and insights on labor and employment policy, the effects of automation on the labor market, wage stagnation, inequality, and many other topics routinely shape policy proposals and inform economic news coverage. Her work has been cited in many broadcast, radio, print, and online news outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and HuffPost. Former Director of Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), widely recognized as Canada’s leading progressive think tank, started a yearlong Fellowship funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario. His work will focus on public disasters and associated regulatory failure. Specifically, he will further his study of the Lac-Mégantic rail disaster of July 6, 2013. Along with teaching and research, it is anticipated that HRREC will host a photographic exhibition in fall 2016 inspired by this event. This initiative resulted from a partnership between the Common Law and Droit Civil Sections at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law and HRREC.
Sat, 19 January 2019
JEREMIAH MOSS, creator of the award- winning blog Vanishing New Suzanne Gordon is an award-winning journalist and author. She has written for The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Washington Monthly, The American Prospect, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, JAMA, The Annals of Internal Medicine, The BMJ, and others. She is the co-editor of the Culture and Politics of Health Care Work series at Cornell University Press. Suzanne is the author or co-author of 11 books including Life Support: Three Nurses on the Front Lines, Beyond the Checklist: What Else Healthcare Can Learn from Aviation Teamwork and Safety. Her latest book is Wounds of War: How the VA Delivers Health, Healing, and Hope to the Nation's Veterans |