The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Hour 1

6:00 New threats from North Korea / Kim Jong-Un is a Mac user


A Democrats, Republicans line up to endorse same sex marriage


B Oral arguments on same sex marriage at Supreme Court


Ashley Judd not running for Senate/Hopkins students oust Dr. Ben Carson as graduation speaker


D Cliff Schecter: Filibustering gun background checks? / Bill O’Reilly & Rush’s gay marriage change of heart

Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:45pm EDT

Hour 3

6:00 Zombie deerhunting? DC hunts down overpopulated deer in Rock Creek Park


A Dr. Digipol interviews Amy Small Ward, Membership Director, Nonprofit Technology Network


B Activist of the Week: KC Boyd, author of “Being Christian” and whistleblower on Dominionist Christian coercion in military


C Becky Bond of CREDO on coming Keystone protest outside Obama fundraiser


D Dana Bell - What's the deal with politcians who criticize other politicians for politicizing?


Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:43pm EDT

Hour 2

6:00 Mafia steals 42,000 lb cheese in Wisconsin / Rick Ross raps casually about rape


A Grand Bargain Update – Will Obama offer Social Security, Medicare cuts in budget resolution?/This American Life screws up Our American Disability Insurance (CEPRCBPPCentury Foundation takedowns)


Immigration reform moves forward / Rep. Don Young calls Mexicans“wetbacks”


C-D Dr. Michael Lind on “defeating the useless rich” – based on 3-part series in Salon on the unproductive new rentier class and how they hurt the economy

Direct download: TAN_3-30_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:15pm EDT

Hour 1

A Pres. Obama's trip to Middle East
B Budget battles update - Charlie Mitchell
C Ammo clip ban on life support - Cliff Schecter
D Right wing Iraq War nuts go unpunished - Cliff Schecter / Marans on recent business-labor dispute over guest workers
Direct download: Hour_1_TAN_3-23_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:44am EDT

Hour 2
A-B Ali Gharib reports from Ramallah on Obama visit to Israel, and Palestinian protest movement
C-D Michael Cohen, The Guardian US, on Israel/Palestine / Syria situation
Direct download: TAN_3-22_Hour_2_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:43am EDT

Hour 3
A Dr. Digipol: Exclusive interview with Andre Oboler, Monash U. prof, and author new social media report
B-C Activist of the Week: Valerie Plame Wilson, former CIA agent and advocate for a world without nuclear weapons 
D How It Should Be: Sen. Sherrod Brown's Bill Ending Too-Big-To-Fail Banks
Direct download: TAN_3-22_Hour_3_A.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:41am EDT

A Dr. Digipol
B Activist of the Week: Scott Prout, shooter of the 47 percent video (in-person or not)
C Nicole Sotelo, Director of Communications - A Call to Action
D How It Should Be - 10th anniversary of Iraq War
Direct download: Hr3TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05am EDT

A Brown-Vitter bill to end Too-Big-to-Fail banks 
B CPAC's greatest hits (Possibly CPAC speaker, Dallas Fed Prez Richard Fisher on his conservative plan to end too-big-to-fail banks)
C-D Sugary drinks ban debate: Maya Rockeymoore v. Katherine Mangu-Ward, Managing Editor of Reason
Direct download: Hr2TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

6:00 Pope Francis ad Argentina's Dirty War
A New Pope/Ryan Budget and Senate Dems' budget
B Charlie Mitchell on dueling budgets and sequestration
C Dave Zirin on March Madness (unconfirmed, but I'm working on it--suspect will be okay)
D Cliff Schecter on Illinois Little League raffling AR-15.  Plus, Senate Dems now nervous about Ashley Judd candidacy possibly wasting opportunity against Mitch McConnell.
Direct download: Hr1TAN_03-16_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58pm EDT

First six:  Lion attacks

A  Alan Rosenblatt, social media, with Zach Green

B  Activist of the Week

J-1 visa guest workers who went on strike against McDonald's this week in Central PA. They paid $3,000 to come to US to work, were paying $2,000 a month to sleep all together in boss's basement--net neutral or negative pay in other words--were provided no transportation so had to walk on highway to work, were working 15 hours a day, and we're evicted once they went on strike.

C  Climate Change

D  How it should be:  Huge Chavez w/ Kymone Freeman

Direct download: Hr3TAN_03-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EDT

1st 6: O'Reilly flips out on Colmes

A What Rand Paul missed: non-Americans taken out by drones - guest Alli McCracken of Code Pink / Chavez discussion

B HSBC Elizabeth Warren: How many billions do you have to launder before government prosecutes you?  HSBC Elizabeth Warren: How many billions do you have to launder before government prosecutes you?  

C Rebutting attack on Keystone protester James Hansen in NYT/Ice caps melting accelerates.  Guest:  Brad Johnson

D Detroit to get city manager... or not?

Direct download: Hr2TAN_03-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13pm EDT

First six:  North Korea threatens nuclear attack

A:  Rand Paul/drones roundup

B:  Charlie Mitchell on Obama/GOP/sequester latest

C:  Why Americans feel like they are getting poorer even as Dow Surges.

D:  Cliff Schecter on gun votes in Senate committee, strategy for floor votes.

Direct download: Hr1TAN_03-09_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm EDT

First 6: Chinese hackers attack
A Dr. Digipol on @UniteBlue/@ConnecttheLeft controversy
B Activist of the Week - Jotaka Eaddy, Senior Director for Voting Rights, NAACP
C-D Rep. Alan Grayson on sequester; Stopping Social Security cuts
Direct download: Hr3TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:29pm EDT

First 6: Winning reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act
A Shaunna Thomas on sexism at the Oscars/Christine Quinn holding up NYC paid sick leave
B Shaunna Thomas on OFA taking $500,000 for access/Jay Carney squirming at press conference
C CREDO petition: MSNBC should disclose Rendell's conflicts of interest 
D Francesca Chambers, Red Alert Politics on CPAC, future of conservatives 
Direct download: Hr2TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:23pm EDT

First 6: Ikea horse meat  
A Sequester latest
B Shane-O on Supreme Court oral arguments over Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act 
C Assault weapons hearings/gun control latest 
D Cliff on Keith Ellison's appearance on Fox News / Right-wing flipout over Michelle Obama at Oscars
Direct download: Hr1TAN_03-02.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 6:20pm EDT