Sat, 13 May 2017
Ken Gude is a Senior Fellow with the National Security Team at American Progress. He also leads several of the organization’s policy initiatives and projects. |
Sat, 6 May 2017
Jeff Bryant is an Associate Fellow at Campaign for America's Future and the editor of the Education Opportunity Network website. Prior to joining he was one of the principal writers for Open Left. He owns a marketing and communications consultancy in Chapel Hill, N.C. He has written extensively about public education policy.
Dave is a senior fellow at the Center for Media and Democracy and has more than 20 years of technology industry experience. His earlier career included technical positions, including video game design at Atari and Imagic. He was a pioneer in design and development of productivity and educational applications of personal computers. More recently he helped co-found a company developing desktop systems to validate carbon trading in the US. |
Sat, 6 May 2017
Emily R. Gee is the Health Economist for the Health Policy team at American Progress. Prior to joining American Progress, she was at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where she worked on implementation of the Affordable Care Act since 2013.
Nathan J. Robinson is the editor of Current Affairs, a magazine of politics and culture. He is also a PhD student at Harvard University. |
Sat, 6 May 2017
Angelo Carusone is the president of Media Matters for America. He was successful previously for leading the fight to force advertisers to abandon Glenn Beck’s program, and his organization’s work in the past few months led to the firing of Bill O’Reilly and Bill Shine. |
Sat, 29 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week. This episode was previously recorded on January 28th, 2017.
Jasmine Jefferson, Legislative Director of Social Security Works, on the fight to protect Medicare. Ryan Cooper, National Correspondent for The Week, on How American health care kills people. Read his article at: |
Sat, 29 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, this segment of the show was previously recorded on 12/03/2017. Sarah Sorscher, an attorney with Public Citizen's Health Research Group, about the 21st Century Cures Act. Later, we speak with Tim Wu, professor at Columbia Law School, about his new book The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads. |
Sat, 29 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week. This episode was previously recorded on 4/15/2017 and features Dean Baker as the guest. Dean Baker co-founded CEPR in 1999. His areas of research include housing and macroeconomics, intellectual property, Social Security, Medicare and European labor markets. He is the author of several books, including Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better bargain for Working People,The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive, The United States Since 1980, Social Security: The Phony Crisis (with Mark Weisbrot), and The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer. His blog, Beat the Press, provides commentary on economic reporting. |
Sat, 22 April 2017
Andrea Hailey is the founder of Civic Engagement Fund who earlier this month hosted a conference called, From the Ground Up: The Progressive Path to Political Leadership - report on conference of Resistance leaders.
Thomas Frank is an author who recently wrote Listen, Liberal, or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People? |
Sat, 22 April 2017
David Daley is the author of Ratf*cked and a Senior Fellow at Fair Vote. |
Sat, 22 April 2017
Rebecca Vallas is the Managing Director for the Poverty to Prosperity Program at American Progress. She is also the host of the recently renamed and relaunched radio program and podcast, Off-Kilter |
Sat, 15 April 2017
Representative Pramila Jayapal (D, WA-7) is the first Indian-American woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the first woman to represent the 7th District in Congress. She is the sponsor of the College for All Act.
Joe Strupp is a 28-year veteran journalist who has been with Media Matters For America since February 2010. As an investigative reporter, he has interviewed top media leaders and conservative figures that include Rupert Murdoch, Geraldo Rivera and Andrew Breitbart. His work has ranged from in-depth reporting on The Washington Post editorial page to uncovering slanted reporting at Fox News. |
Sat, 15 April 2017
Nancy Altman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pension Rights Center and the President of Social Security Works.
Bruce Gibney is a writer and venture capitalist. He has worked at a hedge fund and as a partner at one of Silicon Valley’s leading venture firms, Founders Fund. His new book is A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Destroyed America |
Sat, 15 April 2017
Dean Baker co-founded CEPR in 1999. His areas of research include housing and macroeconomics, intellectual property, Social Security, Medicare and European labor markets. He is the author of several books, including Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better bargain for Working People,The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive, The United States Since 1980, Social Security: The Phony Crisis (with Mark Weisbrot), and The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer. His blog, Beat the Press, provides commentary on economic reporting. |
Sat, 8 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled some of the best content from our recent shows. In this hour: Stephen Miles, advocacy director for Win Without War, on Michael Flynn's resignation and the Trump White House's foreign policy chaos. Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, on Paul Ryan's plan to take health insurance away from millions of people. |
Sat, 8 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled some of the best content from our recent shows. In this hour: Ryan Grim is an author and the Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post. His writings have appeared in several publications, including Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, and Politico. He is the author of "This Is Your Country on Drugs". One of his most recent posts at Huffington Post is called While Nobody’s Watching, Paul Ryan Is Taking A Sledgehammer To Medicaid’s Promise To Seniors
Jessica Mason Pieklo is a writer and adjunct law professor in Boulder, Colorado. She is the former assistant director of the Health Law Clinic at Hamline Law School in St. Paul, Minnesota and former litigator. |
Sat, 8 April 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled some of the best content from our recent shows. In this hour: Eric Schwitzgebel, professor of philosophy at University of California, Riverside. He blogs at The Splintered Mind John Kiriakou is a columnist with Reader Supported News. He was a CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News,and author. He was the first CIA officer to be convicted for passing classified information to a reporter. His newest book out soon is Doing Time Like A Spy: How the CIA Taught Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison |
Sat, 1 April 2017
Ganesh Sitaraman is an Assistant Professor of Law at Vanderbilt Law School and the author of The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic.
Christy Goldfuss is the Vice President of Energy and Environmental Policy at the Center for American Progress. Previously, she was the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). She was previously the Deputy Director of the National Park Service.[1] Before joining the park service, she worked at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank.[2] She also worked as a legislative staff member for the House Committee on Natural Resources and as a reporter. |
Sat, 1 April 2017
Mira Revesz is an organizer with IfNotNow, a group of young Jews working to end the organized Jewish community’s support for the occupation through non-violent direct action. They recently organized the largest ever Jewish run protest of the AIPAC conference, and are planning more actions this spring to protest 50 years of occupation.
Nancy Altman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pension Rights Center and the President of Social Security Works. In the wake of the collapse of Trumpcare, Altman is calling on Democrats to support a Medicare for all approach. |
Sat, 1 April 2017
Angelo Carusone is the President of Media Matters. Before joining, he organized the successful Twitter based StopBeck effort. He holds a B.A. in American Studies from Fordham University and a law degree from the University of Wisconsin. Carusone called for Fox News to fire Bill O’Reilly in response to racist comments about Rep. Maxine Waters’ hair. |
Sat, 25 March 2017
Michael A. Hiltzik is an American columnist and reporter who has written extensively for the Los Angeles Times.
Dr. Danielle Martin is a family physician and the board chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare. She is clinical staff at Women's College Hospital and lecturer in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. She served on the Health Council of Canada from 2005-2011. Her new book is Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians |
Sat, 25 March 2017
Ryan Grim is an author and the Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post. His writings have appeared in several publications, including Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, and Politico. He is the author of "This Is Your Country on Drugs". One of his most recent posts at Huffington Post is called While Nobody’s Watching, Paul Ryan Is Taking A Sledgehammer To Medicaid’s Promise To Seniors
Jessica Mason Pieklo is a writer and adjunct law professor in Boulder, Colorado. She is the former assistant director of the Health Law Clinic at Hamline Law School in St. Paul, Minnesota and former litigator. |
Sat, 25 March 2017
Cat Duffy is a Researcher at Media Matters. She is a PhD candidate at the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California. Cat also has an M.A. in Communication from Wake Forest University and a B.A. in International Relations from Michigan State University. She is the author of a recent study at Media Matters on how TV news ignored the prescription drug price problem. |
Sat, 18 March 2017
Eric Schwitzgebel, professor of philosophy at University of California, Riverside. He blogs at The Splintered Mind John Kiriakou is a columnist with Reader Supported News. He was a CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News,and author. He was the first CIA officer to be convicted for passing classified information to a reporter. His newest book out soon is Doing Time Like A Spy: How the CIA Taught Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison |
Sat, 18 March 2017
Mike Lofgren is a former senior analyst in the House and Senate Budget Committees. He left congress in 2011, and his newest book is The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government. The book is an insider’s account of who really runs Washington regardless of which party is in power. Kelly J. Baker is the editor of Women in Higher Education, a feminist newsletter, in its 26th year, with the continued goal “to enlighten, encourage, empower and enrage women on campus.” She is also the author of the award-winning book, Gospel According to the Klan: The KKK’s Appeal to Protestant America, 1915-1930
Sat, 18 March 2017
Dr. Sriram is the host of “Dr. America,” an innovative podcast about health justice on We Act Radio. He also writes about the relationships between health policy and civil rights. He currently practices general pediatrics in southeast Washington, DC and is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. |
Sat, 11 March 2017
David Dayen is a contributor to The Intercept, and also writes for Salon, the Fiscal Times, the New Republic, and more. His first book, Chain of Title, about three ordinary Americans who uncover Wall Street’s foreclosure fraud, was released in May 2016 Wendell Potter, founder of and author of the new book Nation on the Take, How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It |
Sat, 11 March 2017
Rebecca Vallas is the Managing Director for the Poverty to Prosperity Program at American Progress. She is also the host of the recently renamed and relaunched radio program and podcast, Off-Kilter Marcy Wheeler is an independent journalist writing about national security and civil liberties. She writes as emptywheel at her eponymous blog |
Sat, 11 March 2017
Thea Riofrancos, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Providence College. Daniel Denvir, fellow at Harvard Law School's Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice and a journalist covering criminal justice, the drug war, immigration, and politics. He hosts the podcast “The Dig” for Jacobin magazine |
Sat, 4 March 2017
L.A. Kauffman, author of the new book Direct Action: Protest and the Reinvention of American Radicalism Hannah Weilbacher, volunteer leader with Jews United for Justice and the DC Paid Family Leave Campaign, on why many Washington, DC politicians, including the Mayor, are trying to kill the city's new progressive paid family leave law - and they're all Democrats.
Sat, 4 March 2017
John Feffer -director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies and author of the new book Splinterlands Anat Shenker-Osorio, communications expert, on why Democrats need to stop worrying about upsetting others and start exciting their base. |
Sat, 4 March 2017
Silvio Carrillo, award-winning journalist and multimedia creator and nephew of environmental and Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, who was assassinated one year ago. |
Sat, 25 February 2017
Matt Bruenig, writer, researcher, and expert on poverty, on why the richest people in the world get paid for doing nothing. Kira Lerner, political reporter at Think Progress, on covering CPAC |
Sat, 25 February 2017
Stephen Miles, advocacy director for Win Without War, on Michael Flynn's resignation and the Trump White House's foreign policy chaos. Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, on Paul Ryan's plan to take health insurance away from millions of people. |
Sat, 25 February 2017
Mark Potok, Senior Fellow of Southern Poverty Law Center, on the rising number of hate groups in America. |
Sat, 18 February 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled some of the best content from our recent shows. In this hour: Sarah Jones, social media editor at The New Republic, on The Case Against Unity. Read her article at: Water Scheidel on his new book, The Great Leveler. |
Sat, 18 February 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled "best of" content from our recent shows. In this hour: Steve Early, author of Refinery Town, a new book about how Richmond, California beat big oil. Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director at CREDO Mobile, on how the organization plans to combat Trump and the GOP Congress. |
Sat, 18 February 2017
The Zero Hour is on a break this week, so we've compiled "best of" content from our recent shows. In this hour: Julia Mead, author of the recent article Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism Danny Goldberg, author of In Search of the Lost Chord: 1967 and the Hippie Idea |
Sat, 11 February 2017
Sarvenaz Fahimi - Senior Director of the Legal Department at Pars Equality Center, which is challenging Trump's Muslim Ban in Court. Lauren C. Williams - Tech reporter at ThinkProgress. |
Sat, 11 February 2017
Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace Kathleen Frydl, historian and the author of "The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973".
Sat, 11 February 2017
Salvatore Colleluori - Associate Research Director at Media Matters. |
Sat, 4 February 2017
Ian Millhiser, Editor of ThinkProgress Justice, on the Scalia clone Trump just nominated for the Supreme Court. Damon A. Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel for the AFL-CIO, on how attacking immigrants and refugees hurts all working people. |
Sat, 4 February 2017
Mark Joseph Stern, writer for Slate covering the law and LGBTQ issues, on the massive airport protests against Trump's discriminatory Executive Order. Cora Currier, journalist at The Intercept with a focus on national security, foreign affairs, and human rights, on the FBI's secret files. |
Sat, 4 February 2017
Sheri E. Berman, professor of political science at Barnard College, on how Trump's presidency fits historical patterns of authoritarianism. |
Sat, 28 January 2017
Sarah Jones, social media editor at The New Republic, on The Case Against Unity. Read her article at: Water Scheidel on his new book, The Great Leveler. |
Sat, 28 January 2017
Jasmine Jefferson, Legislative Director of Social Security Works, on the fight to protect Medicare. Ryan Cooper, National Correspondent for The Week, on How American health care kills people. Read his article at: |
Sat, 28 January 2017
Kierra Johnson, Executive Director of URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, on Trump cutting off funding to global aid organizations by reinstating the global gag rule. |
Sat, 21 January 2017
Julia Mead, author of the recent article Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism Danny Goldberg, author of In Search of the Lost Chord: 1967 and the Hippie Idea |
Sat, 21 January 2017
Gareth Porter, independent investigative journalist and historian writing on US national security policy and author of the recent article Mainstream Media’s Russian Bogeyman. Nancy Altman, founding co-director of Social Security Works. |
Sat, 21 January 2017
Jennifer L. Erkulwater associate professor of political science at the University of Richmond and Jennifer Pribble associate professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond, and author of Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America. |
Sat, 14 January 2017
Mikey Franklin, Digital Director of Good Jobs Nation, recounts a recent hate crime against him and his family in Rockville, MD Will McGrath, writer for Pacific Standard, on his recent article about a radical experiment to combat homelessness. |
Sat, 14 January 2017
Steve Early, author of Refinery Town, a new book about how Richmond, California beat big oil. Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director at CREDO Mobile, on how the organization plans to combat Trump and the GOP Congress. |
Sat, 14 January 2017
Mike Papantonio, host of the new show America's Lawyer |
Sat, 7 January 2017
Liz Kennedy, Director of Democracy and Government Reform at Center for American Progress, on how an outcry from the American people stopped Republicans from gutting the Office of Congressional Ethics (at least for now) Alex Shepard, news editor of The New Republic, on what went wrong at the media watchdog Media Matters - and if they have a productive role to play during the Trump era. |
Sat, 7 January 2017
Author and Journalist Elizabeth Grossman on why our safety net isn't built for the unstable realities of the modern workforce. John Nichols, national affairs correspondent for The Nation, on the best ways to fight back against the Trump/Ryan agenda.
Sat, 7 January 2017
Kellie Mejdrich, CQ Roll Call Budget and Appropriations Reporter, on what the top priorities of the new Republican Congress will be. |