The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
Harvard’s campus while studying there. Noah now lives in Boston. Steve Knievel is an access to medicines advocate for Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines program. His work focuses on policies relating to U.S. drug pricing and making medicines affordable for everyone. Knievel's work has also included advocating on international access to medicines issues, including compulsory licensing and preventing access-restricting proposals from being advanced through trade agreements. Knievel’s writing has been featured in The Huffington Post, U.S. News & World Report and The New York Times. He received a B.A. in philosophy from University of Colorado. Previously, Knievel worked with Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch.
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Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm EDT

Natalie Martinez is a researcher at Media Matters. She holds a B.A. in American Culture Studies from Washington University in St. Louis.
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Category:general -- posted at: 7:07pm EDT

Yasha Levine is a journalist and a former editor of Moscow-based satirical newspaper The eXile. He is the author of "Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet."

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Thomas Frank is is an American political analyst, historian, and journalist.[1] He co-founded and edited The Baffler magazine. Frank has written several books, most notably What's the Matter with Kansas? (2004) and Listen, Liberal (2016). From 2008 to 2010 he wrote "The Tilting Yard", a column in the Wall Street Journal. You can find his recent writings at The Guardian, and his latest book is “Rendezvous with Oblivion: Reports from a Sinking Society.”

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

in a digital age. He is the author of fifteen bestselling books on media, technology, and society, including Program or Be Programmed, Present Shock, and Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus. He has made such award-winning PBS Frontline documentaries as Generation Like, Merchants of Cool, and The Persuaders, and is the author of graphic novels including Testament and Aleister & Adolf. His latest book, coming in January 2019 and available for pre-order now is “TEAM HUMAN.”

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

David Dayen is a fellow for In These Times and a contributor to The Intercept. His first book, “Chain of Title,” about three ordinary Americans who uncover Wall Street’s foreclosure fraud, was released in May 2016. The book was the winner of the Studs and Ida Terkel Prize. Nancy Altman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pension Rights Center and the President of Social Security Works.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Wendell Potter is Founder of the investigative reporting group, “Tarbell” Wendell is an author, former corporate public relations executive and journalist. His books include, “Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans ; Obamacare: What’s In It for Me/What Everyone Needs to Know about the Affordable Care Act (an ebook); and Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It.”

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Linda Benesch is the Communications Director at Social Security Works, a national organization fighting to address our nation's retirement income crisis by protecting and expanding Social Security.

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Dr. Yolandra Hancock's background includes degrees from the David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) and John Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her medical residency at the acclaimed Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, where she gained considerable knowledge and experience while working with some of the nation’s leading physicians and clinicians.

Dr. Andrew Goldstein is a public health system primary care doctor, health activist and organizer. He started the online community Progressive Doctors; and organized the February 2017 Health Professionals Protest against attacks on health coverage and the White Coats 4 Families Belong Together Rallies last month. He has been active with engaging health professionals local health organizing, in running for office, and in engaging with the Poor People's Campaign.



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Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Max Blumenthal is the Senior Editor of the Grayzone Project, now at He is also a documentary filmmaker - his latest is “Killing Gaza,” coproduced by Dan Cohen, documenting Israel's 2014 assault on Gaza during the war. It’s available at

Max is the Author of several books, including "The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza" “Republican Gomorrah”, and “Goliath”. He also co-host of the Podcast, “Moderate Rebels”

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Elizabeth Bruenig is an Opinion columnist for the Washington Post. Her writing focuses on politics, religion, and morality in public life. She is the author of a recent article at called “The Soulless Logic of Capitalism’s ‘Dark, Satanic Mill’ : And what it tells us about the NFL’s national anthem policy”

Lyta Gold is the Amusements Editor for Current Affairs magazine and author of the article: The Dismal Frontier: What is Star Trek without the socialism?

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Harvey J Kaye is an American historian and sociologist. He is currently the Director of the Center for History and Social Change at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. He is the author of numerous books including, “Thomas Paine and the Promise of America,”
“Thomas Paine: Firebrand of the Revolution,” and “The Fight for the Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great”

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT