The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow


Segment 1: Shuster – Political round up
Segment 2: Shuster – GOP Platform
Segment 3: 12:30 Rob Zerban Dem candidate running against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin 1st congressional district
Segment 4: 12:45 Cliff Schecter – Dem strategy, post Akin scandal

HOUR 2 Segment 1: 1:00 Charlie Mitchell – Romney energy plan
Segment 2: Charlie Mitchell cont. – Health policy
Segment 3: 1:30 Ari Rabin-Havt – Fox News GOP cheerleading
Segment 4: 1:45 Nancy Cohen – GOP war on Women, Akin

Segment 1: Alan Rosenblatt – Social media segment
Segment 2: Robin Morgan – Activist of the Week
Segment 3: Robin Morgan- Women's Media Center Live launch  
Segment 4: Shuster – Corporate Responsibility/College football

Direct download: fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Hour 1
1. Shuster on 2012 presidential elections
2. Marans & Shuster on difference between Ryan's proposed Medicare cuts & Obama's Medicare savings in the Affordable Care Act
3. Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser), Senior Constitutional Policy Expert, Center for American Progress, on Arizona's crackdown on its own legal medical pot
4. Cliff Schecter (@Cliffschecter), co-owner, We Act Radio on Ryan pick and latest shooting in Texas.
Hour 2
1-2. Charlie Mitchell (@cfmtan), Editor-in-Chief, TAN, welfare reform, Romney claim that Obama loosened the work requirement, and the ongoing sags of Darrell Issa pursuing Eric Holder
3. David Frum (@davidfrum), contributing editor at Newsweek and The Daily Beast and a CNN contributor, on Ryan VP pick and the themes in his book Patriots
4. Frum debates Ryan VP pick with Francesca Chambers (@fran_chambers), Editor of Red Alert Politics - she likes Ryan pick, Frum not so much
Hour 3
1. Ben Barnett (@PoliticiansTV) on PA Voter ID laws, and covering the 2000 DNC as one of the first online reporting teams
2-3. Activist of the Week: Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) is the author of over a dozen books, including most recently, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet about the ongoing impact of climate change, the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, and founder of McKibben led protests against Keystone XL and fracking.
4. How do I do that? with Daniel Marans
Direct download: TAN081612_Full_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:42pm EST

Rick Smith, host of the Rick Smith Show live from the AFL-CIO's "Workers Stand for America" rally in Philadelphia.

Cliff Schecter of We Act Radio on Paul Ryan Veep pick.

Charlie Mitchell, TAN Editor-in-Chief on Ryan's record in Congress.

Allison Kilkenny, co-host of the progressive political podcast Citizen Radio ( and independent journalist who blogs at, on what RYan pick means for the class war and protests across the world against austerity.

Activist of the Week: Elsa Caballero is the SEIU Local 1 Texas State Director, on the raise she helped negotiate for striking janitors in Houston who make $9,000/year for their work, including many in the JP Morgan Chase tower. Leader of "Call me, Jamie" campaign to get Jamie Dimon's attention.

Alan Rosenblatt on Veep pick on Twitter.

Elizabeth McElroy, Secretary-Treasurer of Philadelphia Central Labor Council, live from the AFL-CIO's "Workers Stand for America" rally in Philadelphia. What is state of labor in Philly & PA?

How Do I Do That: How do I estimate what my Social Security benefits would be? Social Security's 77th birthday on August 14.

Direct download: podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

Hour 1
Presidential Race 2012: A look at Romey's plan to increase taxes on the middle class
Louie Gohmert and the things he says
Daniel Marans on the Chick-Fil-A controversy
Cliff Schecter on the crazy gun law NRA is trying to get passed in TN; Romney’s taxes

Hour 2
Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call: Update from the Hill
Corporate responsibility: Boycott Palermo’s Pizza
John Taylor, President & CEO, National Community Reinvestment Coalition on the refusal by Ed DeMarco, Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to reduce the principal amount people owe on their underwater home mortgages.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) on running strong on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Hour 3
Alan Rosenblatt on social media: Twitter election meters with Paul Singer, Politics Editor of USA Today
Activist of the Week: Michael Skolnik, Political Director to Russell Simmons, and Editor-in-Chief of the Global Grind  
How Do I Do That with Daniel Marans

Direct download: fullshowpodcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST