Mon, 28 January 2013
Hour 3
First six minutes: Mafia jumps into green energy
A Alan Rosenblatt - Social Media: Beyonce, Fix the Senate, and Democrats take down site attacking Mark Zuckerberg
B Activist of the Week, Jorge Parra, on hunger strike to protest GM abuses in Colombia
C David Toscano, Democratic Leader in Virginia House of Delegates re GOP electoral vote-splitting scheme
D How it should be: How Democrats should admit we aren't spending too much
Sat, 26 January 2013
Hour 2
First six: Michelle Obama's outfit for inauguration parade
A Bill Scher - liberal oasis TV assault, weapons ban doesn't matter, more important to get other things
B Bill Scher tba (Israeli elections and what it means for USA.)
C Conservative media, Bill O'Reilly ratchets up the fear by lying about economy.
D Brian Fisher, christian radio host on emotions at Clinton/Kerry hearings. GOP media says they were "crocodile tears."
Sat, 26 January 2013
Hour 1
First six: Obama/DC statehood
A Shuster /'Marans on inauguration speech policies
B Shuster/Marans should national anthem ever ben lip synched? Bottom line, it made Kelly Clarkson even more impressive.
C Charlie Mitchell on Keystone pipeline and violence against women act.
D Cliff Schechter on GOP approach to Benghazi/Hillary and their claims she "staged" her tears and anger.
Sat, 19 January 2013
Sat, 19 January 2013
Sat, 12 January 2013
1. David Frum forms "Smart Approach to Marijuana" to discourage its use. Description of his argument/invitation to discuss it on the show
2. Alan Rosenblatt on social media - Inside Anonymous' strategy of denials of service
3. Activist of the Week: Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton - DC's Congresswoman
4. Brad Johnson, Forecast the Facts, on hottest year ever + American Meteorological Society
5. How It Should Be: How Geithner's legacy should be viewed and what we should do on housing policy
Sat, 12 January 2013
1. Petition latest: Prosecute Dianne Feinstein gets 27,000 signatures. White House responds to Piers Morgan deportation drive.
2. Colin Goddard, of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and survivor of Virginia Tech shooting, on Biden gun safety commission recommendations
3. Members of Congress spend over half their day raising money
4-5. Social Security debate rematch: Spandan Chakrabarti, publisher of The People's View v. Daniel Marans, Executive Producer of #TAN
Sat, 12 January 2013
1. White House responds to Death Star petition and would Newt Gingrich be Captain of the Death Star
2. Shuster solo - week in news, politics
3. Dave Zirin - Latest, forthcoming book, end of NHL lockout, creepy sports anchors
4. Alex Jones and conservative media compares Obama/guns to Hitler and Stalin. Plus, Joe/Mika on MSNBC
5. Cliff Schecter on right-wing gun craziness - Exhibit A: Alex Jones' Piers Morgan freakout
Sat, 5 January 2013
Hour 3 1. DC gun laws/latest on David Gregory 2. Rosenblatt social media 3. Activist of the Week: Erin Matson, independent women's rights leader and former Vice President for Action at NOW 4. The implications of impending nomination of Chuck Hagel as Sec. Def - Ali Gharib, Senior Editor, Open Zion 5. How It Should Be: Economic justice should be as trendy as social liberties |
Sat, 5 January 2013
Hour 2 1. Susie Cagle, writer & illustrator at, enviro news/blog, on the environmental impact of the pot growing industry 2. Charlie Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of Take Action News: Fiscal cliff reaction / Coming debt ceiling-sequester showdown 3. Charlie Mitchell: House Sandy recovery package/Christie's freakout presser / Violence Against Women Act; Joe Biden as negotiator in chief. 4. Kevin Madden, former Romney spokesman, on GOP in disarray, Boehner leadership, immediate GOP future 5. Platinum coin for $1T to lift debt ceiling? Joe Weisenthal, Deputy Editor, Business Insider on movement to #MintTheCoin |
Sat, 5 January 2013
Hour 1 1. White House petition update - Give Biden a reality TV show and more... 2. Fiscal cliff deal/what's in it... what's not. Shuster/Marans 3. Matt Stoller, Roosevelt Institute - Obama says "no negotiations" over debt ceiling. Should we believe him? And what about the corporate giveaways in cliff deal? 4. Lawmaker lewdness? Boehner tells Reid to go f**k himself; Peter King calls for decency. Charles Showalter discusses. 5. Cliff Schecter: Ann Coulter/GOP media logic. Plus, debt ceiling negotiations. |