The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

1. DC sports update wiht Mitch Malasky

2. EXCLUSIVE: @DEBBYGIRL1 of Anonymous gives us a look inside the war on Westboro Baptist Church

3. ALan Rosenblatt explains the social media firepower behind Anonymous righteous war on WBC

4. Activist of the Week: Zaid Jilani, Progressive Change Campaign Committee

5. How It Should Be: How we should expand Social Security and Medicare

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_3.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

1. The Deported? What to make of the Piers Morgan petition and other weird White House petitions

2. Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call: GOP angling to blame Dems for fiscal cliff dive

3. "It's the end of the world as we know it": Ice caps melting faster than we think

4. Chained CPI benefit cut or not? Okay or not? Daniel Marans v. Spandan Chakrabarti, The People's View 

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

1. DC Statehood 

2. SHuster politics and fiscal cliff round-up

3. NRA and Wayne LaPierre: Evil genius or just evil?

4. Shuster: David Gregory should apologize for using illegal ammo clip on Meet the Press

5. Cliff Schecter on Dick Armey, The National Review, and right-wing hypocrisy

Direct download: TAN_12-29_Hour_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

Hour 2
First 6:00 Marans on the remedies he used to beat his cold
1  John Yarmouth (D-KY) on changing his mind about gun control 
2  Shuster on Bill O'Reilly spending more time on War on Xmas than actual wars.
3  Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters on "Rush Limbaugh, Misinformer of the Year"
4. Ari Rabin-Havt and Shuster 
Direct download: hour2_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 3
First 6:00 Preview of special DC Sports Beat with Mitch Malasky on Jews in sports
1  Social Meda with Alan Rosenblatt - Anonymous declaring war on Westboro Baptist Church
2  Activist of the Week: Erik Loomis, who got death threats for tweeting that he wanted Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick
3  Shuster leads discussion of DC statehood bill introduced by Lieberman
4  Daniel Marans "How It Should Be" - How Obama should nominate top cabinet posts
Direct download: hour3_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 1
First 6:00  Shuster/Marans/Malasky on Mayan armageddon
1  Shuster on guns latest with reaction from Marans/Malasky 
2  Shuster/Marans on fiscal cliff and Obama throwing Social Security into negotiations
3  Shuster/Charles Showalter on Michigan "right to work" legislation
4  Shuster/Cliff Schechter on conservative media, including National Review saying Sandy Hook elementary needed "more men."
Direct download: hour1_12-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

Hour 2
1.  CT massacre latest news
2.  Matt Stoller, Roosevelt Instititute and Salon, on CT school massacre (@matthewstoller)
3.  Daniel Newhauser, Congressional reporter for Roll Call, on potential for gun legislation in Congress (@dnewhauser)
4.  MI State Rep. Brandon Dillon (D, Grand Rapids) on opposing Michigan's right-to-work law (@brandondillon75)
Direct download: p2hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

Hour 3
1.  Alan Rosenblatt on social media/CT massacre
2. Activist of the Week: Rebecca Nagle one of creators of "Pink Loves Consent" anti-rape underwear, and head of feminist anti-rape group FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture (@LoveConsent, @upsettingrapecu)
3. Rainforest Action Network's Robin Averbeck who works on fighting deforestationin Indonesia by limiting demand (@RAN)
4. How It Should Be - Gun Violence and American Exceptionalism
Direct download: p3hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hour 1
1. Shuster solo - Latest news on CT school massacre
2. Cliff Schecter reaction to CT 
3. Cliff Schecter on details of shooter and the weapons he used
4.  Charles Showalter (@TheUnionEdge), a gun owner, on gun rights after mass shooting in CT
Direct download: p1hour-12-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

1. Social Media with Alan Rosenblatt: Twitter announces Jim DeMint's departure, and the secret to Obama Administration's socia media success
2. Activist of the Week: Brad Johnson, Campaign Manager of Forecast the Facts, a new climate change action group 
3. Misinformation on the right: Why do Republicans think ACORN won the election for Obama? Why did GOP senators vote down UN disability rights treaty?
4. Marans's How it Should Be (part 2 in pre-Inauguration series): How pot should be legal in all 50 states
Direct download: TAN_12.8_Hour_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

1. Kevin Roose of New York Magazine on how Fix the Debt became a CEO/Wall St. kaffeklatsche of influence peddling
2. Charlie Mitchell on Filibuster reform
3. President Obama's challenges on foreign policy: Susan Rice, Syria, and Palestinian state recognition at UN. (Shuster, Marans, and Mitch Malasky)
4. Aziz Abu Sarah, Palestinian peace activist and author, on hope for a 2-state solution despite recent events
Direct download: TAN_12.8_Hour_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm EST

1. Shuster political roundup including latest Obama v. Boehner
2. The real fiscal cliff: Corporate profits continue to hit record high, wages hit record low. (Shuster + Marans)
3. Dave Zirin, Sports Editor at The Nation, on Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide, the NFL handling of it, and 
4. Cliff Schecter on Bob Costas stance against gun culture, and Fox News' sadly predictable smear campaign against him
Direct download: TAN_12.5_Hour_1.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

1. Alan Rosenblatt on how Weibo, China's version of Twitter, is opening up China 
2. Corporate/social responsibility in media:  Fox News' anti-American, false reporting of the "war on Christmas"
3. Activist of the Week: Josh Stearns of Free Press on holding the FCC accountable and preventing Rupert Murdoch from monopolizing media
4. How it should be: How we should keep money out of elections and how the media should point out conflicts of interests, like Simpson & Bowles getting $40,000 a speech
Direct download: Hour_3_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:40am EST

1.Shuster roundup of week's political news & events - including shots fired on Benghazi, and UN Amabssador Susan Rice
2. Allie Braswell, CEO of the Central Florida Urban League, on Florida GOP officials acknowledging politically motivated voter suppression 
3. Marans on what he saw at the Black Friday protest at Walmart in Secaucus, NJ 
4. Matt Stoller of Salon on Walmart protest effectiveness & progressive strategy in Obama's 2nd term
Direct download: Hour_2_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:35am EST

1. Charlie Mitchell on latest Congress/Obama regarding Bush tax cuts
2. Charlie Mitchell on lame duck Congress: sequester & other issues. Is Social Security off table in fiscal cliff negotiations as Durbin says?
3. Marans on Grover Norquist - The man behind the infamous "Taxpayer Protection Pledge"?
4. Cliff Schechter on Obama/White House strategy... plus, potential Rand Paul GOP candidacy in 2016. 
Direct download: Hour_1_-_TAN_12.1_-_edited.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:28am EST