The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Hour 1

1. Shuster- Election 2012

2. Shuster/Marans- GOP claims of "conspiracy" over polling. 

3. Dave Zirin- (@edgeofsports) on end of NFL ref lockout

4. Cliff Schecter- More Election 2012/Debate prep

Hour 2

1-2. Charlie Mitchell- News from the Hill

3. Larry Korb- National Security

4. Possible extension of Korb / Corporate responsibility: Dr. Bronner's hemp natural soap & shower products (eco-friendly; made through Palestinian-Israeli cooperation)

Hour 3

1. Social media: Alan Rosenblatt with Stu Trevelyan

2. Activist of the Week: Zofia Hausmann, Director of The Agtivists (@agtivists) 

3. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) (@SenSherrodBrown)

4. How Do I Do That 

Direct download: fullshowTAN_9-29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Hour 1
1. The Romney 47%- Daniel Marans 
2. Romney's Latino "outreach" Amanda P. Beadle, 
3. Chicago teachers' Strike ends - Kenzo Shibata (@KenzoShibata), New Media Coordinator for the Chicago Teachers' Union (@CTULocal1)
4. More Election 2012 with Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter), co-owner of We Act Radio.
Hour 2
1. Riots at US embassies in Middle East & Asia - Jake Meth (@jakemeth), Copy Editor at Egypt Independent in Cairo, Aziz Abu Sarah (@azizabusarah), Palestinian activist and author, co-Executive Director of the Center for World Religions
2. Romney's caught-on-tape remarks on Palestinian state- Aziz
3. Obama brings trade case against China - Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller)
4. Mortgage fraud task force; financial reform; #OWS 1-year anniversary - Matt Stoller 
Hour 3
1. Social Media with Ben Barnett (@PoliticiansTV)
2. Activist of the Week - Sister Marge Clark a lobbyist with NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby (@NETWORKLobby)
3. Latest on Voter ID law in PA, and attempts to organize against it, register people - Rashad Robinson (@rashadrobinson), Executive Director of (@colorofchange),
4. Alex Lawson, "How to file a FOIA request?"
Direct download: TAN-9-22-fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

Hour 1
1  Politics 2012:  Romney/Obama foreign policy crisis
2  Interview Alice Fordham (@AliceFordham) correspondent for the National (@TheNationalUAE) in Libya
3  Wayne Powell, running against Eric Cantor, in Virginia's 7th district (@Powell4VA)
4  Cliff Schechter on latest political polls + trends (@cliffschecter)
Hour 2
1  Charlie Mitchell on US/Israel/Netanyahu (@cfmtan)
2  Charlie Mitchell on Congress/potential for "election wave"
3  Frank Menzies, Director of Instrumental Music at Jones College Prep in South Loop neighborhood of Chicago- will be speaking to us live from the drum corps at the major rally downtown in Chicago tomorrow (#CTUStrike, @KenzoShinbata)
4  Richard Rothstein, Economic Policy Institute (@economicpolicy) 
Hour 3
1  Becky Bond interview - Political Director, CREDO Mobile (@CREDOMobile)
2  Activist of the Week - Raymond Lopez a warehouse worker in California's inland empire and member of Warehouse Workers United (@wwunited)
3  Israel/Iran/Obama/Netanyahu - Jeremy Ben-Ami (@JeremyBenAmi), Founder & President of J Street (@jstreetdotorg), "The Political Home for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans"
4  Corp/Social responsibility and How do I do that
Direct download: fullshow9-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

Special Edition - Interviews and analysis from Take Action News' live coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.

Hour 1

Segment 1 Former President Bill Clinton's speech at DNC: Excerpts & analysis
Segment 2 First Lady Michelle Obama & MA Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren speeches at DNC: Excerpts & analysis 
Segment 3 Interview with Former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta                                                                        Segment 4 President Obama's speech at DNC: Excerpts

Hour 2

Segment 1 - Rep. Danny K. Davis (D, IL-7) talks first meeting Obama in Chicago politics
Segment 2 - Daniel Marans talks with DNC delegates on the convention hall floor
Segment 3 - Karl Frisch of Bullfight Streategies gives his take on the RNC & DNC 
Segment 4 - Former New Mexico Governor & Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson on why people should vote Libertarian, and why he's outspoken in favor of legalizing pot

Hour 3

Segment 1- Larry O'Connor, Editor-in-Chief of, gives a conservatives perspective on the DNC, saying Democrats have been snubbing him. 
Segment 2 - Rep. Tim Ryan (D, OH-17) talks with Daniel Marans about a Grand Bargain to cut Social Security or Medicare in exchange for tax increases
Segment 3 - Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, on why compromise is not a virtue unto itself  
Segment 4 - How Do I Do That: Shuster & Marans on how to do a political convention right

Some YouTube videos of interviews David SHuster & the Take Action News team did at the DNC are available at:

Direct download: TAN_Full_Show_09-08-12.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Hour 1

Segment 1 GOP convention
Segment 2 Nasty tone of GOP/Story of CNN Camera woman, discussion with Marans and Callahan. 
Segment 3 Dave Zirin (@edgeofsports), Sports Editor for The Nation, calls for NFL boycott over lockout of referees fighting wage & benefit cuts 
Segment 4 Cliff Schechter on GOP convention and Ohio voting 

Hour 2

Segment 1 - Paul Singer/TBA fact checks Romney and Ryan (@singernews)
Segment 2 - Paul Singer/TBA previews dem convention.
Segment 3 - NYT's Sam Dolnick on NJ halfway houses scandal.
Segment 4 - Corporate responsibility: Boycott Hyatt; Most Hiltons are okay

Hour 3

Segment 1: Social media with Alan Rosenblatt
Segment 2 - Activist of the Week Lee Rowland of the Brennan Center for Justice (@brennancenter) on court ruling overturning restrictions on Florida's voter registration groups
Segment 3 - Lee Rowland on voting: The fights in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia & Texas.  
Segment 4 - Shuster notebook on conventions. How Do I Do That with Daniel Marans: NEXUS pass for expedited entry to Canada, and reporting & replacing a lost passport

Direct download: 9-1fullshow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST