The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

The Zero Hour is on a break this week. This portion of the show was previously recorded on May 27th, 2017.

Thom Hartmann is the leading progressive talk radio and TV host in the U.S. His daily weekday radio and television show is syndicated across the states. He's the New York Times bestselling, 4-times Project Censored Award winning author of 24 books in print in 17 languages on five continents.

Direct download: TZH_08-26-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The Zero Hour is on a break this week. This portion of the show was previously recorded on June 22nd, 2017

Lucy McBath is the mother of Jordan Davis who was shot at age 17 by a white man in a gas station who got bothered by Davis and his friends playing loud music. McBath organizers and gives speeches around gun violence.

Harry Stein is the Director of Fiscal Policy at the Center for American Progress. Prior to joining the Center, he worked as a legislative assistant to Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI)

Direct download: TZH_08-26-17_H2_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

The Zero Hour is on a break this week. This portion of the show was previously recorded on June 8th, 2017.

RJ and Ryan Grim explain why we published audio of Trump's private high-dollar fundraiser, and what the recording means.

Ryan Grim is an author, Washington bureau chief for The Intercept, and a political commentator for The Young Turks.

Direct download: TZH_08-26-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Donna Edwards is the former Congresswoman from Maryland's 4th district, a former Senate candidate, and is working to help elect Stacey Abrams as Governor of Georgia.

Jim Dean is the Chair of Democracy for America.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Randy Bryce is a U.S. Army veteran, cancer survivor, and union ironworker running to replace Paul Ryan in Wisconsin's 1st District.

Congressman Ruben Gallego represents Arizona's 7th District.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H2_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Alex Lawson and Bradley Herring break down the news of the week and Dave Neiwert, author of "Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump" joins us from last weekend's Netroots Nation.

Direct download: TZH_08-19-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Stacey Abrams is a candidate for governor in Georgia.

Jon "Bowzer" Bauman is an American musician, best known as a member of the band Sha Na Na, and game show host. Senior advisor to SSW and president of the SSW PAC, veterans of dozens of campaign.

Direct download: TZH_08-12-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Carolyn Fiddler is Political Editor/Senior Communications Advisor for Daily Kos and has worked in state politics for the better part of a decade, most recently as the national communications director at the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC).

Mary Cathryn Ricker is the Executive Vice President of the American Federation of Teachers.

Direct download: TZH_08-12-17_H2_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

We're on location at Netroots Nation in Atlanta. Stephen Miles, Director of Win Without War joins us.

Direct download: TZH_08-12-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

James Love is the Director of Knowledge Ecology International. His training is in economics and finance. His work focuses on the production, management and access to knowledge resources, as well as aspects of competition policy. This includes work on the financing of R&D, intellectual property rights, prices for and access to new drugs, vaccines and other medical technologies, as well as related topics for other knowledge goods, including software, other copyrighted works, and data. Also, he is working on proposals to expand the production of knowledge as a public good.

Robert Cruickshank is the Senior Campaign Manager at Democracy for America, the member-driven PAC founded by Gov. Howard Dean that has successfully elected more than 800 progressive candidates to public office since 2004. Prior to joining DFA, he served as a Senior Advisor to Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, and worked as Public Policy Director for California's Courage Campaign. Originally from California, he now lives with his wife and young son in Seattle.

Direct download: TZH_08-05-17_H3_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Nina Turner is the President of Our Revolution, served as a member of the Ohio State Senate from 2008 to 2014, and was elected to be the chamber’s Minority Whip in the 129th General Assembly. She endorsed Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 and became an active surrogate for him.

David Dayen is a contributing writer to Salon and The Intercept and a weekly columnist for the New Republic and the Fiscal Times.

Direct download: 08-05-17_H2_RAW.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Jodi Jacobson is the Editor-in-Chief of Rewire, a long-time leader in the health and development community, and an advocate with extensive experience in public health, gender equity, human rights, environment and demographic issues.

Direct download: TZH_08-05-17_H1_Podcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT