Sat, 27 July 2013
First 6: Dominique Strauss-Kahn charged with pimping A. Marans solo: Obama economy speech B. Close vote on NSA powers in the House – Zaid Jilani, Progressive Blogger-Reporter C. Weiner revealed in public / Bob Filner seeks rehab – Cliff Schecter D. Steve King’s outrageous anti-immigrant rhetoric / Sen. Lee’s government shutdown threat |
Sat, 27 July 2013
First 6: Zimmerman juror B29: “He got away with murder” / Ohio gun group raises $12K for Zimmerman guns, security A. Bangladesh update/Palm oil labor conditions in Indonesia – Alan Rosenblatt B-C. Fight over Summers Fed chair nomination – Shaunna Thomas, Co-Founder, Ultraviolet D. North Carolina’s new voting rights restrictions |
Sat, 27 July 2013
First 6: 19-year-old jailed 4 months for sarcastic Facebook post A. Social Media with Dr. DigiPol B-C. Activist of the Week: Andrew Slack, Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Harry Potter Alliance D. How It Should Be: Goodbye Shuster |
Mon, 22 July 2013
First 6: Capital Fringe Festival shout-out A: Marans solo - Obama remarks on Zimmerman verdict B: Nicole Flatow of ThinkProgress on Stand Your Ground's role in Zimmerman verdict C: Hope for the Voting Rights Act? Cole Stangler reports D: Cliff Schecter on gun culture's role in Trayvon Martin's death |
Mon, 22 July 2013
First 6: Rolling Stone's Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover photo and story A: Bangladesh's new labor law B: Harry Reid forces the Republicans to surrender on presidential nominess, averting nuclear option C: National Labor Relations Board's history and importance D: Lizbeth Mateo, National Immigrant Youth Alliance, self-deported to draw attention to suffering caused by deportation |
Mon, 22 July 2013
First 6: Bachmann mistakenly gets vibrator as a gift/Wyoming to build aircraft carrier
A Social Media with Dr. DigiPol
B-D Activist of the Week: Howard E. Conday, attorney, one of original Trayvon petitioners; participant in Howard University students’ viral video “Am I Suspicious?” Race in America |
Sun, 14 July 2013
A Shuster solo: Top stories - Egypt coup; Obama and Congress
B Keli Goff on double standard for Spitzer, white male pols' scandals
C Richard Eskow on American apathy
D Cliff Schecter on Liz Cheney possible Senate Run, Bill O'Reilly demeaning women
Sun, 14 July 2013
A Former Sens. Snowe and Mitchell announce Gap and Wal-Mart's Bangladesh safety agreement at Bipartisan Policy Center, but do not respond to interview requests / Bipartisna Policy Center's conflicts of interest reported in The Nation
B Rob Wohl, organizer for Sum of Us, reacts to alternative Bangladesh agreement / discusses new steps, actions
C New developments from coup in Egypt
D Alice Fordham, the National, live from Cairo on situation in Egypt
Sun, 14 July 2013
First 6: Statehood for Northern Colorado?
A Dr. DigiPol on Google Glass
B Activist of the Week: Colette Pichon Battle, Director/Attorney, Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy
C MSM Bash Session: Chuck Todd's IRS scandal fail/David Gregory's Medicare flub
D How It Should Be - Nancy L. Cohen author of Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America, on the sexual counter-revolution