Sat, 24 November 2012
1-2. Debate: Should progressives vote Obama or not? Matt Stoller v. Ken Sofer, Part 1
3-4. Buddy Cianci, former mayor of Providence, Rhode Island.
Sat, 24 November 2012
1. Dave Zirin on how the NFL refs beat the lockout
2. Activist of the Week: Lorella Praeli, United We Dream
3. Shuster grills & debates Dave Walker, of the Comeback America Initiative on the causes & solutions to our national debt
4. Comedian Scott Rogowsky has social media questions for Alan "Dr. Digipol" Rosenblatt
Sat, 24 November 2012
1. The moment when the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act
2. Shuster launches a jihad on Rep. Louie Gohmert over Gohmert's reaction to Aurora, CO, shooting
3. Activist of the Week: Kristen Rowe-Finkbeiner, CEO & Executive DIrector of & Host of Moms Rising Radio
4. Social Responsibility: Buy Hickey Freeman menswear, not Donald Trump's clothing line