Sat, 13 May 2017
Megan Essaheb is the Assistant Director of Immigration and Immigrant Rights at Asian Americans Advancing Justice. She advocates in Congress and federal agencies on issues affecting immigrants, including immigration reform, guestworker programs, family reunification, and more.
Kim Stanley Robinson is a novelist who is widely recognized as one of the foremost living writers of science fiction. Robinson began publishing novels in 1984. His work has been described as "humanist science fiction" and "literary science fiction". His new book is New York 2140. |
Sat, 13 May 2017
Deputy Director of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). She helped launch CMD's award-winning ALEC Exposed investigation in 2011 and is a recipient of the Hillman Prize for investigative journalism. She talks with us about the recent exposure documents from the Bradley Foundation.
Lia Weintraub is the co-author of the “Know Your Right” newsletter focused on right-wing media. She discusses her thoughts on the state of the right-wing media broadly as well as specifics on how they are covering Trumpcare and the Comey firing. |
Sat, 13 May 2017
Ken Gude is a Senior Fellow with the National Security Team at American Progress. He also leads several of the organization’s policy initiatives and projects. |