The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Daniel Ellsberg is a renowned American whistleblower who released The Pentagon Papers to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1969.
Ellsberg is also the author of four books: The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner(2017,), Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (2002,) Risk, Ambiguity and Decision(2001,) and Papers on the War (1971). In December 2006 he was awarded the 2006 Right Livelihood Award, in Stockholm, Sweden, “. . for putting peace and truth first, at considerable personal risk, and dedicating his life to inspiring others to follow his example.”

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Category:Politics -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Jessica Mason Pieklo is a writer and adjunct law professor in Boulder, Colorado. She is the former assistant director of the Health Law Clinic at Hamline Law School in St. Paul, Minnesota and former litigator. She is Vice President, Law and the Courts at

Rachel O'Leary Carmona is the founder of 275 Park Consulting. She has helped to inspire, equip, and mobilize people to shape the actions and policies that affect their communities for well over a decade. She currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Women's March and is a partner at Movement NetLab, a think, make, and do tank that facilitates the growth and effectiveness of the most dynamic, emerging social movements of our time.

Direct download: 09-08-18_H2_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Nicole Karlis is a staff writer at Salon, where she writes about health, culture, social issues and gender politics. She has also written for the New York Times, Marie Claire, The Bold Italic, The Daily Beast, 7x7, Avenue magazine, Resident, USA Today and more. She calls San Francisco, California, home.

Keith A. Spencer is a critic, essayist and editor at, where he manages coverage of science and the tech industry. His writing has appeared in Jacobin, Dissent, McSweeneys, and The Bold Italic, where he was formerly editor-in-chief. His first book, "A People's History of Silicon Valley," will be released this fall from Eyewear Press.

Larry Cohen chairs the boards of Our Revolution, Vice Chair of DNC Unity Reform Commission, the successor to Bernie 2016, and the Democracy Initiative, a coalition of 55 groups focused on voting rights and money in politics. He is the past president of the Communications Workers of America and Vice chair of the Unity Reform commission of the Democratic National Committee.

Direct download: 09-08-18_H1_TZHPodcast.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT