Sat, 27 April 2013
1st 6 Highway births A West, Texas – Latest on investigation. Shuster B West, Texas – Mainstream Media Fail w/ Mike Elk C Glenn Greenwald: Civil liberties questions raised by Boston D Cliff Schecter: Baucus’ gun legacy; Sen. Cruz’s federal aid hypocrisy |
Sat, 27 April 2013
1st 6: Mark Sanfird self-destructs A Airplane delays/Budget // W. Bush library and Bush legacy B Boston bombing affects immigration debate/ HuffPo’s Elise Foley (in person) C Deportations continue amid debate – Elise Foley continued D Bangladesh factory fire – Erik Loomis, labor, environmental history expert |
Sat, 27 April 2013
1st 6 Bird poop / Louis Farrakhan steps in it A Dr. Digipol: Dr. Digipol: AP twitter hacked, White House bombed, Obama injured; Computers sell off stocks in a mad rush; Tweetdeck’s demise? B Activist of the Week: Adam Rome, author, The Genius of Earth Day: How a 1970 Teach-In Unexpectedly Made the First Green Generation C Dartmouth equates rape threats with protests / D How It Should Be: Bush's Social Security legacy |
Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Gun violence victims given background checks for yelling in Senate gallery A Boston bombing: Latest and media fail B Professor Johanna Fernandez () on Mumia Abu-Jamal C West, TX explosion and OSHA violations with Mike Elk D Cliff on gun failure, progressive vows to primary Senators Pryor and Begich. |
Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Former SC Gov Mark Sanford caught trespassing on ex-wife's property
B Influential austerity study debunked |
Sat, 20 April 2013
1st 6: Star Trek Geek Talk A Social Media - Dr. Digipol on Twitter's role in Marathon Bombing
C Review of "42" with Jackie Robinson--and the untold story of the role of Montreal in Robinson's career D Daniel Marans how it should be: Rich v. poor, not old v. young |
Wed, 17 April 2013
1st 6 Umpire shows up late to Nats game / Thief caught stealing White House van
A Shuster Solo on gun control
B Charlie Mitchell on gun legislation and budget proposals
C-D Eliot Spitzer v. Rob S. Kaplan on Wall Street Reform
Wed, 17 April 2013
1st 6 Shuster/Marans thoughts on Kaplan/Spitzer
A Social Security Chained CPI proposal from Obama - José Canseco weighs in
B McConnell team caught on tape planning to use Ashley Judd's teenage depression against her. Plus, media ethics regarding tapes. Cliff Schecter and Shuster.
C-D Shuster interviews Mumia Abu Jamal
Wed, 17 April 2013
1st 6 Prof. Johanna Fernandez responds to Mumia interview
A Dr. Digipol with Scott Blodget, Ontario, Canada Ministry of FInance's Media Relations Director
B Shuster/Marans thoughts on Mumia interview
C Media blackout of Dr. Gosnell's trial?
D Young diplomat killed in Afghanistan. Daniel.
Sat, 6 April 2013
Hour 1 1st 6 minutes: Ken Cuccinelli's opposition to "crimes against nature", ie, oral/anal sex (and how it prevented VA from prosecuting a statutory rape)
A Obama includes chained CPI in budget / Roger Ebert's passing / North Korean threat gets too real for comfort, but are we over-hyping it?
B Bobby Egan, owner of Cubby's BBQ in Hackensack, NJ and longtime practitioner of "BBQ diplomacy" with North Korea, on what the hell is going on in the DPRK C Bobby Egan continues discussion of North Korea -- and gives a provocative defense of gun rights D Connecticut House Speaker Brendan Sharkey on tough new gun laws there |
Sat, 6 April 2013
Hour 2 1st 6 minutes: Obama calls CA AG Kamala Harris, "best looking AG"
A Social Insurance/Grand Bargain discussion continued Ames - Conflicts of interest in NPR piece on disability benefits; New America report calling for Soc. Sec increases; where gay marriage meets Social Security (spouses, children's benefits).
Mark Ames, senior editor of Not Safe for Work Corporation (and author Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellin From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond), B What is NSFWCorp -- "The future of journalism with jokes"? What insights does their mutlifaceted new funding model offer for other independent media projects, eg, print edition, the (cartoon) conflict tower. Other topics: Breitbart legacy; being spied on by the ADL
C-D Education reform debate in wake of Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal: Test-based teacher evaluations or not? Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters v. Marcus Winters, The Manhattan Institute
Sat, 6 April 2013
Hour 3
1st 6 minutes: Jeremy Irons compares gay marriage to bestiality, incest
A Dr. Drigipol on social media: Anonymous hacks North Korean Twitter and fake Twitter accounts
B Activist of the Week: José Antonio Vargas, founder of Define American and Pulitzer Prize-winning WaPo reporter who came out as an undocumented Filipino immigrant inNYT magazine in summer 2011, on the major victory getting AP to stop using "illegal immigrant" C 45th anniversary of MLK's assassination at sanitation workers strike in Memphis - Fast food workers strike now/ Activism opportunities roundup; Keystone XL pipeline
D Fake Action News with Dana C. Bell |